Reflex Deflex Bow - Archery

  • Thread starter Hobby Climber
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  • Replies 34
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Hobby Climber

Hey STUMPER, this may interest you and other archers!

I usually get back into archery during the slow winter month at the local sportsman club. Its a lot of fun and a great way to spend an evening with friends.

An old childhood friend of mine (Dave) called the other day and wanted to know if ever come across any hickory trees so he can carve a bow. The bush I helped log out a few years back still has some along the edge of the property, (family property) so we went & marked a few potential trees for his next project.

I got talking to him about wanting to get a new bow, something I could hunt with and something nice. He offered to carve one for me or if I prefer, mentioned a company he deals with called "Rudderbows" that sells (u-build) kits as well as finished bow/arrows.

After looking through the website, I think I may have found the bow for me! I was looking at their Reflex-Deflex bow. In particular, the Bamboo backed Osage bow! Just can't decide on which finish I want!

Here's a link to the page:

Or type in:

Be sure to have a look at their other bow models & build it yourself kits...some interesting stuff for sure!

Enjoy ;)

I would shoot compound bows but there isn't any decent meat on them so I just leave the ugly varmints alone.

Bob, Rudderbows has a good reputation for value for money. They aren't top performace bows or always thegreatest in durability...that is kind of inevitable when one saws out lots of the blanks on a bandsaw. Again ..his rep is good-just don't expect the epitome.
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I'll shoot anything that will place meat on the table or put a hole thought paper down range... and at one time or another I have!

Started off with a sling-shot shooting carp in the drainage ditches and moved on to pellet guns. Then to 22cal's & bigger bore rifles and on to shotguns. I believe I switched to bows and then went to "black powder" rifles & shotguns.

I got involved with the 3-D archery competitions in the early 1990's and bought a Matthews Bow, (3-D Vapor solo-cam) when they first hit the market. I bought it in Michigan because at the time they were not available in Canada!

I was asked to be a dealer shooter for a local bow shop and they gave sponsored me an "Alpine Archery" bow at manufactures cost. They even sent their Ontario rep down from Kitchener to check me out. He gave me three arrows to shoot out if his bow and I hit/broke the knocks off the first two that I fired.:lol:

The guy wasn't to impressed that I damaged his arrows but must have had a sense of humor because I got the position in the end!

After shooting arrows for a few years traveling to all the 3-D shoots, I got board of it and gave it up for a while. Sold off the bows I had when our kids came along but did hang on to a crossbow, ("EX-CALIBER" X-O-Mag). It aims like a rifle so ya didn't need to practice that much.

I picked up a used recurved bow at swap meat a while back and thats been my hunting bow for birds & bunnies! I prefer to shoot instinctive (no sites) for small game hunting. Its a lot more fun and if you miss no big deal...fair chase & all that eh!

At my sportsman's club archery night(s), there are a bunch of guys that shoot those thousand dollar plus bows. They are all to serious for my taste (though I use to be one on them). The instinctive shooters (guys with the old stick & string type bows w/no sites) have the most FUN and can empty their quiver much faster that the high tech guys!

Trick is to practice practice practice!!! I don't care how good a person may have been in the day, if you don't stay in practice on a regular basis...your not gonna do that well.


Justin, thanks for the info on the Rudderbows, I got that same impression after looking at my buddies bow. He'll never buy a finish bow, he prefers to buy the "U-Build it" kits and finishes them himself. I think he said the kits range from $50 & up. I'd have to agree, at that price who cares it breaks after a couple years!


HC speaks the truth. PRACTICE!!!!! I used to shoot for three hours a day. I enjoyed the practice. It was fun being good.

I've got a "Robin Hood" (arrow shot down the shaft of another arrow) hanging in my gear room.

I've always told myself I'd shoot a shelf bow someday. I've got 80 acres in S. Indiana chock full of osage.

This archery thread is fun!
I had a recurve bow and was very proud of what I could shoot consistantly. One day this guy came up with a compound bow.

After that, I never used the recurve again. Tech. is a good thing
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  • #11
True, but what fun is it if you can hit a dime size target at 20 yards each time you shoot your bow. Would get kinda boring after a while and looses its excitement! (for me anyway).

People can spend lots of money and buy all to goodies (sites, scopes, peeps, stabilizers, counter-balances, rests, releases, etc) for their bow that will allow them to hit their target every time.

Thats all fine & well ...but a lot can be said for the guys who do just as well using only a stick & string!;) Different strokes for different folks I suppose. Personally, I go to where the fun is and that differs from person to person.

Bob, Fun is why I shoot trad. also. If your buddy gets a hankering for "performance primitives" we can put him in touch with my dad.
If the big game laws were different here in Washington State... I would actually buy a bow and do a little huntin' with it...

Prolly a compound... I like the Hoyt bows. :)

You have to choose your weapon for the entire year. So if I choose "archery" I can only hunt the archery seasons... period. If I choose "Muzzleloader", then I can only hunt those seasons with that weapon. "Modern Firearm" seasons are the exact same...

So I already have mucho bucks in Modern Firearm and Muzzleloader stuff... So it just won't make any sense to put all that stuff aside just to "try" archery...

Then again... maybe I am just thinkin' to much inside the box.

What, you're not allowed to use a bow to hunt big game in Washington? That seems odd, a bow is just as deadly as any rifle.
See Ya
that is odd, here we can choose individual game seasons. bow deer or rifle deer. bow elk or rifle elk. they are set up at diffferent times
What, you're not allowed to use a bow to hunt big game in Washington? That seems odd, a bow is just as deadly as any rifle.
See Ya

Maybe I worded that wrong... You can hunt big game with a bow here in Washington... but if you choose "Archery"... you can only hunt the designated archery seasons and that is it... you can't hunt during the other seasons with any other weapon.

You are stuck with whatever weapon you choose for the entire year, and can only hunt those designated seasons for the species of your choice.

The game laws here have improved a bit over the years... but it still sucks.

You notice how whenever you read any big game hunting artice about hunting "out west"... you will notice that Washington is nevewr included... That's because our laws here are so messed up... it's not even worth the effort to come here and hunt as a non-resident.

There are HUGE Elk and Deer (all 3 species) in this state... but the laws here are not very forgiving when it comes to harvesting those big ones...

I prefer a good recurve but currently slay God's little tasty creatures with a Hoyt Spectra I got back in '91.

For recurve, try Bob Lee or Black Widow.

.02 :wall:
I look at all these new compounds getting smaller and smaller... with my long arms they don't seem too practical for my size.

Would it be better to start "learning" with a recurve (traditional) bow? Or start out with a compound?

I'd go traditional. Like HC says, with a modern compound and graphite arrows you can make tiny groups at 20 yds. Instinctive shooting is way cooler, You'll surprise yourself how well you can shoot once you let your body take over.

I still shoot my old Browning Tracker, the recurve, not the compound. For a while I shot handmade longbows made by Jerry Hill (Howard Hill's nephew). He was a friend and I could borrow any bow I wanted. That dried up when I moved to NC and next I tried 3D with a Hoyt Raptor... sweet bow, almost like shooting a rifle.

All that time I kept my Browning and it's all I have left now. I used to shoot running rabbits with that bow... that's what sold me on instinctive shooting.
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  • #23
A few years ago, I began organizing pheasant hunts on a game bird farm for my sportsman's club.

In one group, we put the traditional archers in the middle and the guys shooting black powder shotguns on the ends as we went down the fields in a row.

The other group put their compound archers in the middle and the modern shotgun shooters on the ends.

Guess who harvested more birds? Yup, the traditional shooters because they shoot instinctive and can fire quicker! The compound shooters could not hit a moving target with their peep sites & pins.:whine:

The following year we had a lot more traditional shooters and fewer wheel bows!

As a foot note: many of the newer traditional shooters soon realized the obvious advantage of fletching their arrows with flu-flus...after their first shot of course!!!:lol: :lol: :lol:

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  • #24

Do you have any pictures of you dad's hand-made bows you'd like to share with us??? hmmm???
