Heres some holding wood photos. I learned here at the tree house what bypassing the cut actually means i am searching the notches threads thank you tree housers!. Im sorry I ain't been around much. !!!!Anyway heres the holding wood picks.!!!!
Some of the logs were pulled by 2or 3 grounds men(which I've taught then not to wrap arm round the rope already preventing a source risk of injury to them) and some were pulled by a New Holland 185.5 bobcat plaything.
To me my holding wood looks about right. Even and straight and about the final 1 inch of holding wood is the rule on go no go wood no matter how its pulled. agree disagree.
I'm fresh back to production and dual axer chippers.
Some of the logs were pulled by 2or 3 grounds men(which I've taught then not to wrap arm round the rope already preventing a source risk of injury to them) and some were pulled by a New Holland 185.5 bobcat plaything.
To me my holding wood looks about right. Even and straight and about the final 1 inch of holding wood is the rule on go no go wood no matter how its pulled. agree disagree.
I'm fresh back to production and dual axer chippers.