More Hazard Tree Felling Pics


Woods walker
Mar 7, 2005
Western Oregon
We're getting pretty close to completion of the last contract for this operating season, and I thought I'd put up a few more pictures just for the Treehouse's entertainment.

Nothing really special here, just some more felling work that I caught off and on.

This first one stood right on the break from a flat bench to a +100% slope. The face had to be head high so the backcut could go in at ground level. Heavy headlean to the road below, 60 inch dbh I'd guess...Dan's cutting with a 42 inch bar on his 660 here.


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So how much is his bonus if he can spear it into the road? :lol:

:lol: He gets my caulk boot across his backside...and then I have to do some real work. Placing coldpatch this time of year is hard labor :whine:!

Check this batch out.


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One more group. It's amazing to me how hard it is to get decent pictures down deep in the woods. Not to say these are good, just better than most I manage to take :D.


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Burnham, What is the official stance on sawing with only one hand on the saw? I'm assuming that you don't interfere with the contractors-I 'm really sjust curious about FS instruction policy.
A big thanks for the pictures, I really enjoy watching this kind pics !!!'

I wasn't worried about 2 hands on the saw. It looked like he was taking a nap.
Awesome photos again B. Ouch on the cold patch.
What do they do about the tree in the river? Do they consider that habitat once it is there? I know we have some lakes and streams here they fell right into for fish habitat etc.
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You got habitat. In fact, the District fish biologist had a selfloader coming along behind us and picked up about 10 loads of logs to stockpile for future in-stream placement.
Excellent... I really wondered about that up there. So long as it does not completely obstruct the stream or river I would imagine? Nice that they stock pile them also.
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Stephen, there is no way the winter flows on the Clackamas River will let that tree stay put across the channel like'll end up as part of some log jam downstream. Placed just like Mother Nature intended :D.
I was wondering about that as you have fast flow like we do in the Merced river. SO log jams as natural type occurrence is acceptable.. cool. Sometimes they interfere here too much with jams IMHO. Thanks B.
I am often hired to clear creek beds and water edges and try and educate the homeowners and land management on habitat. I try to leave as much as possible thereof in the flow zone. With consideration to bridges and culverts etc.
Burnham is there a certification required to be a faller on these contracts?

Also (not being critical, just asking) is it not usual practice for these guys to leave the stump once the tree is committed? Or is it not very common to drop your saw and step back?
There is just something thrilling about smashing something with wood.:P
Interesting wedge pounder holder that Dave has on his belt. I've gotten into the habit of sawing with one hand while leaning around the tree to see how the cut is progressing on the far side. Me thinks that maybe it's a bad habit. :(
Shaving that old growth fir bark off you have to hold you breath or choke while doing it. It's not so bad when the air is moving but when it's still I've have to walk away for the tree to get some fresh air.

That must be county road, I'm assumming.