Has anyone been in the Peace Corps?

I know what you listened to today. Go for it Steve! It could be really fun.
Oh Lawdy you could end up in South America where they still have pygmies .Cunning little runts that are fond of nice plump people to put in the stew pot .Now that's literally getting in the soup .---or you are the soup depending on how you look at it .
I interviewed during a stay in Morocco. I went to the second interview and scored well with the Country wide lady.

After talking with alot of the locals...
Ultimately, I decided that it wasn't the best idea to be the only Honkey for 250+ miles from a phone digging pit toilets.
But, in hindsight, I'm sure it could have been an experience to lead to other unknowns and beyond.
Steve a couple of Marine buddies have done it. Their synopsis was they were glad it was over, they did get some unique experience, but most of the people they encountered (not the indigenous) they wanted to beat the shit out of them. Corrupt government officials from our side and the host nations, and lazy ass higher ups in the organization itself.

But, you are a really good person with incredible inner strength, and helping folks is the key point. You might really enjoy it.
I had a friend in the states that was a volunteer in South America, possibly Bolivia, but I don't exactly recall. He spoke fluent Spanish as a result, understood the mentality down there, and until the end of his life obviously had a strong connection to that part of the world. He mentioned chewing coca leaves during his time there, and I can't say that their byproduct wasn't a contributory factor in his death, or at least it was a part of his not taking care of himself like he should have. An individual of mixed character, and everyone loved him beyond what else. Oddly enough, when there was a time when he felt that he had to try and get his life on a better track, back down to South America is where he went. A unique person in some respects, a good craftsman, his Peace Corp experience was a major influence in his life after. He did have his indulgences, originally left quite alone with no family at a young age, having also lost his two brothers in WW2. A person I think about quite regularly, as do others I know.