I had job the other day felling a bunch of firs on a real steep slope and was having a hard time keeping the logs from sliding down into the house at the bottom. We were falling them downhill in order to get the logs as close as possible to the road and cut down on the distance we'd have to carry stuff. I was using a stout rigging line to tether the trunk to it's own stump so they could only slide a few feet before stopping, but got frustrated at how long it was taking to get each one set up with only one rope. A guy I was working with suggested making the face cut really wide so that it would never actually close, thereby (in theory) preventing the hinge wood from breaking. I didn't want to try it because of the consequences if it didn't work (would'a owed the homeowner about 1/2 mil $). But I wonder if it might work. Anybody ever tried this before?