Chest harness vs neck tether


Sep 23, 2010

I have been playing with the HH2 the past few weeks and really enjoying it. I currently use a homemade neck tether for tending it. Anyone use a chest harness with the HH2? Does it make tending any better?

There is some debate about a neck tether being if you were to get knocked out cold while still attached you could strangle yourself before rescue can get to you. I use my lanyard but a chest harness is on my wish list.
I use a chest harness with my HH, the drag is on your shoulders not your neck, seems to be a personal preference thing though
With the HH, I often teach my guys to just use their flip line or lanyard over the shoulder. I have a place on my harness suspenders that allows for a small biner to work. I have a hard time wearing a chest harness when I need suspenders to hold up my saddle with a saw on it.
Chest harness all the way. Because the HH is 100% hitch dependent there will always be some small amount of drag on the system. A non-stretchy neck tethering feels too much like a noose for me and a bungee neck tethering will give variable tending pressure and results.

In contrast, chest harness type tenders are very consistent at tending but also, during an ascent they will give a nice amount of upper body support thereby significantly reducing effort. Search around and you will find many different types. Pick one that fits your climbing style and enjoy. Just don't use it as a crutch and expect it to tend a hitch/rope combo that is not optimized.
I've used a neck tether and my lanyard over the shoulder interchangeably. Lanyard over the shoulder works better, generally. Never tried a chest harness.
I have a neck tether sewn directly on my shirt, when not in use it tucks inside the shirt. Feels like the whole shirt takes the pull, unnoticeable to me.
Chest harness for me, I use webbing and a small biner as explained in the original hh video.
Chest harness works a treat. Loved the one I got from Paul Didier (did I spell that right?). Unfortunately, my need for suspenders in that I ail from Noassitall, kept me from continued use. It is used when I train guys SRT. Love it.
I've never used the neck tether but looks awkward....

The chestie from Paul is a real good one.

I also use a yellow 1" belt sling girth hitched to a loop on my back right of saddle, same side as ditty bag for storage later....then bandolier style over left shoulder....then put a tiny prussik with throwline around sling with a mini carabiner for advancing your device. I think Jamie showed me that.
I recently tried a neck tether & hated it. I felt like it could get caught on something & hang me, which is no a good feeling.
Back to my good old sling to use as a chest harness. Much happier now
I have had one of Paul's chesties for a while but recently got the 4srt one from treekit in the UK.

It has about 6 attachment point on the front making it really easy to dial in your device and haas if needed.
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I ordered a 4srt chest harness a few days ago. Should be here soon. I don't mind the neck tether but sometimes I do get that hanging feeling.
I use this strap in the pic below. I leave it clipped to the back of the harness until I need it, then attach one end to my wrench set up. Same as you would a lanyard, except now your lanyard is now free to be a lanyard again
More comfortable too being a flat sling. Percevered with a chest harness for a while but was too restrictive....could hardly breath or move. I'd never use a neck lanyard.
2016-06-08 12.43.23.jpg
My brother does a similar thing, except with the tail of his lanyard and a small biner. He has it girthed to the back ring on a treemotion.

prussic that clip just over the sew seam with throwline, never budges,
girth hitch it back kitty corner on the saddle and you jammin....
different colors are different sizes right? yellow seemed to work for me with out messing with it.

Easy to stow and use for whatever else.
did lanyard over the shoulder for years but i didn't like not having my lanyard readily available so i recently switched to cordage as a neck tether (with a break away biner) to free up the lanyard and cause i use that extra cordage for other tricks in the tree
A well fitting chest harness is so much better than a neck tether and still allows you to use your lanyard, really.
A well fitting chest harness is so much better than a neck tether and still allows you to use your lanyard, really.

the 4srt harness looks pretty good, guess I've never tried it cuz I was worried it'd be restrictive, plus when I was out east it gets sooo damn humid & nasty hot the last thing u want is something else sticking to u :ppp