Canada Day!


Captain Zero!
Dec 8, 2013
North Central Montana, bloody cold!

Happy Canada day ya hosers!
I'm still missing something.....perhaps through because I'm an migrant. It doesn't matter.
Like take off eh. Yah hoser. :D

Reg, what's not to get?

Canada Day! Gone in a flash.
Take off hoser? What does that mean ? Cleary Im not Canadian:) You mean I should take something off or go somewhere else ? I don't get where either suggestion (if that's what they are) is relative to my first post.
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None of them were. I believe they were general Canadian comments pertaining to the spirit of Canada Day!

From what I know about Canadians, which I learned from watching movies, this is how they talk to each other all the time.
Take off eh, yah hoser. Would be kind of like saying 'get out of here man' when someone tells you something. Again though you're not really asking them to leave.

And no we don't talk like that.......much.

Reg. you really need to watch a movie called 'strange brew' if you want to fully understand Canadian culture. Of course you'd be watching it a couple of decades late but still. It'd be proper to view it if you're going to call Canada home.

Funny to me that an Englishman would complain about Canadian slang being 'vague'. Lol.
Group hug in order. Great pic, Reg. Your daughter is a clear "chip off the old block" She has your hair and smile.......only hers is a bit bigger....;)

I'm told, however, that she gets her personality from someone else.....................

Hope I'm still welcome......:/: