Jay, the black kite Milvus migrans is interesting, because it is one of the only trans global birds. It is, far as I know, found on every continent ( except antarctica).
I once stood at the rock of Gibraltar and watched the northern migration of kites from Africa to Europe in spring.
Like watching evening traffic on a 16 lane freeway out of L.A. Just a continuous broad band of kites stretching across the mediterranea, flying "bumper to bumper".
Jim, when I worked in Idaho, I used to love listening to the meadowlarks. They are a good example of how settlers would name birds in their new homeland for something they resembled in the old country. It is not in the lark family at all, but the song reminded them of the meadowlarks here.
Just like your robin isn't a robin, but a thrush, but has a red breast like the European Robin, so a robin it was called.
This is a great hread, it brings so many fine memories back for me.