
Nope nor me. Its the fat sack of lead balls that gets stuck. And I sure aint paying thru the nose for a bit of metal when I could get some rubber at a fraction of the price.
Guess I have never seen the ring as the problem. It has always been the soft bag wedging into something for me.

Me too. What would be more ideal than a ring? A D? I like the D with square edges on my harrison bags. I can just girth the line on the bag and it holds. No knots.
Most of my work is around targets that I don't want to damage, so I've only thrown it a half dozen times or so. I use it mostly to pull the rope thru the tree. If it wasn't given to me free, I'd never buy it. I forget who gave it to me, but they didn't care for it, either. It's OK if you have that much money to spend and no roof to damage, I guess.
I didnt wear a hardhat one day, and we couldnt rustle up a throwball so we used a micro pulley... well my guy Billy throws it up and is letting it down and he lets it run straight into the ground, with a quick stop at the top of my head first. As much my fault as anyones but damn it rung my bell pretty well.
I was on a job here working a really big ficus tree and the other climber was on the other side of the tree trying to set his line. The throwbag did that classic twirl around a small branch and wrapped around it a few times. No problem, he put some pressure on it and it released...and came flying out of the tree with enough force to crack the windshield of a high end Mercedes Benz parked twenty feet behind him. I never knew a brand new windshield could cost so much.
A Big Green employee let one loose in central park during the ALB project... it went over his shoulder, backwards, slowed down and then started to run, as if it had punched through some brush. Instead of stopping it he gave it a serious yank. A local new yorker, on her way to work, at her law firm, on her bicycle, was unfortunate to have it become tangled in her bike, introducing the nice lady to the pavement rather quickly. I want to say that cost the company close to a million dollars IIRC.

It never even hit a tree.
I was deadwooding via throwline on several hard leaning madrones that we didn't have time to climb. Many shots that day. I unfortunately ended up with the throwline freakishly tangling my ring finger, bringing the weight to a dead stop, spraining my knuckle. That was about two months ago or maybe three. Most days its fine, but when we have a lot of wedge beating, it can flare up.
LOL @ the guy who chases people down for pushing him getting knocked out by a throwbag! Chris you kill me..

Hey don't get me wrong. Im no "tough guy". Its just that dude shoved me, and that's a big no no. But ya, my buddy was with me and laughed hysterically. I was doing volunteer work at a Salvation Army retreat so my paid help wasn't around. I have a buddy that volunteers with me. I had my legs spread, had the cradle style set up swinging back and forth gently, and I gave that son of a gun a man style throw. The kind where your feet come off the ground a little. I didn't see it happen, or remember it clearly. I just woke up on the pavement like "huh????"..... Its fine to laugh about it. Its funny. You can be assured I don't throw a line anymore with my saddle on and a bunch of carabiners and a split tail dangling down between my legs.