The Official Work Pictures Thread

Nice Gary. Good looking hinges as well.
We did a small roadside clearing this morning. All trees that had been ground to skyed by the power company. For some reason the property owner wanted to keep the little hickory
Kinda boring but I enjoy Saturday?s working for myself. 8)
...I invoked my "Jed" today and got a good (and needed) stump. .....

Yeah, right, sir, yer puttin me flat to SHAME... just take a look at this mess I cut-up today. Stig is gonna fire me. I was rushing. I couldn't see my lay. I, I, I... I stink like Cottonwood. Four foot pig...

Oops... What in the?? Let's try this...


It's like my new phone WILL NOT load these right side up no matter what I do, out of shear obstinacy.


  • 20180205_134905.jpg
    396.6 KB · Views: 49
We've been through that. The forum software is somehow set to orient all pictures in landscape mode, regardless of how they were taken or uploaded.
Why hasn't it happened to me, not even once?

Good pics Jed, even if they are sideways and the stump looks like it was cut by a drunk faller. :P

My phone loads most pictures sideways. If I want to make sure they are right side up I have to load them with my computer.
That gotta be the drunk or pissed off Mick typing.

Sure, Butch is completely fine with all these annoying sideways pictures.

Why don't you do a little research and fix up the problem? Drink less, research more.
I did an experiment a few years back posting pictures in different configurations to try and help actually, might as well have walked the dog for all the attention paid.

This forum is hopelessly antiquated compared to others with ‘like’ buttons email alerts, trouble free loading of vids pics et al.

Glitches everywhere, report them and you get ‘never happens to me’
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
might as well have walked the dog for all the attention paid.

1) Waaaaaaa! :whine: Had you succeeded, no doubt 2 whole people here would have given you a cyber pat on the back. But you failed, so of course, no one gives the tiniest of fooks.

2) Like buttons are for wankers.
Don't get those fancy French skivvies in a bunch.

I emailed my NZ tech guy - patience, Grasshopper!