The Official Work Pictures Thread

More work at the Preschool Root Disease, selective logging show.

Water on the knee is subsiding, and I was ready to climb some trees. Spurred up one to120', set a high TIP via throw line in the adjacent tree to pull up wraptor rope, lowered out and pulled into the next fir, stripping it and the adjacent one on the way down.




It's challenging to try to squeeze trees/ spars into tight lays with minimal damage to keeper trees. I'm a perfectionist, becoming more sie la vie as it goes. Knocking down the alder here and there, or the top off of a maple, accidentally, offers easier opportunities for the next tree falling. As there is more space. Squeezing between stumps is tough. Spars fall much faster and harder than whole trees.



Stacking 3 wedges...



This is a way to stack three wedges for a hard back leaner.
Face cut tree.
Bore cut through the hinge flat to the horizontal, cutting a bit side to side.
Drop down 1/2" on the back cut side and bore forward from back cut side toward the layout.
Drop down another 1/2", bore thru back to front.
Set three wedges, vertically stacked.
Cut one side of back cut even with the top wedge.
Tighten wedges.
Cut other half of back cut.
Pound wedges in, high mid low, hi mid low. Rinse and repeat.

The wood between the wedges keeps them from wanting to spit out. The slots keep them from twisting sideways or otherwise get out of vertical alignment.

I learned it from a guy who learned it from Arbormaster Training.

I added wedges in the sides of the back cut, just because. I used the broken blue stub of a wedge on the right. Extra wedges helped a bit since the broken blue wedge tip could not be driven more, so sort of stacking 2 and a half..

Two large orange wedges are stacked on top of a blue wedge, which I broke while pounding. Best bet seems to be three new medium wedges. 1/2" of wood between wedges hold them tight. Keep the three wedges slots parallel.

The wood shears along the vertical plane between the wedges as you pound, as you may make out in the picture with the top orange wedge removed.
Sean... you gotta make a vid of that wedge poundin' deal. Your descriptions, while thorough, are not for the inbred.
Tulip over wires

The large limb on the left in the first pic failed, falling onto a small garage... the whole tree was for removal. We pruned this tree two years ago, taking weight off the limb too! Me.. lucky it didnt fail with me tied into it. 2 days climbing and I used the bucket to get the big wood down luckilly. 2 hours to finish off loading wood and mulch the next day. 4 loads of wood and 1 1/2 chip.

Moaning neighbors, asshhat clients, 30 celcius and humid climbing, big wood rigging. We rigged the trunk down in 3 bits then felled the stump. Some flowers got bent in this removal! LOL:thumbup::|:


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I'll do a video or step by step with pictures meant to show what's happening. Those were just after the fact, and not clear.

As a matter of fact, you could incorporate it with 2 wedges instead of three, if you want better grip.
Classic Mistabenn stuff, good pics.
Fwiw I alway enjoy the pictures like those, of staff and machinery, the feel and situation if you like, you can see enough pictures of a guy up a tree!
Man, Ben, you guys have to do all the hard stuff back there. We almost never have to do anything very tight at all. You should come out here just to have a vacation WHILE doing tree work. :lol:

Sean: That'd be sweet. Please do.
Trimmed her up nice for them! One of the local hacks drove by and then stopped as we were raking up from brushing it out. He tells me that I did a great job on trimming that tree but should've taken it a bit lower. I responded by telling him that we are going to but the chipper can't handle that big of stuff and to drive by later to check out the finished result. Three hours later all that remains is a stump. Hope that goof ball realizes I really don't care for him.


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Why rake before taking down the wood? How'd ya get rid of the wood?

Nice pics.
To get the chip able stuff out of there and not beat it into the ground. We had the bobcat there and a place to dump half a mile away. Those stems come down quick in 10'-12' lengths. Lay a few down, let bob pick them up, and slide them in the truck. A tank of gas in my 046 and another in the 066. Easy peasy
Absolutely get the chippable stuff outta there before the logs come down, just wondering about raking up before the logs.

What kind of attachment to you have for Bob to pick up the logs? Looks like a nice job.