The Official Random Video Thread!

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Whoa, is this for real?

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I saw that awhile back. It's not real, it's a tv ad believe it or not.

Jay, I see what you mean about the monkeys. Good luck with your potatoes:O

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You don't usually see them in such numbers, except where they get fed. Probably some tourist attraction place in the vid, and there must be a heck of a stinky mess to clean up after them. I might see six or eight making a raid down from the woods, perhaps up to a dozen when a whole troop is involved. They dig apples, much to the consternation of the apple growers. Rice..whatever, they will go after any eats, basically. I was at a friends place a couple days ago, and we were talking out front. His house is getting an add on and is open in the back. He goes inside and I hear him start yelling like crazy, and then comes out with his slingshot and starts running around his place. A few were in his house, took some grapefruit and bananas off the table. The monkeys get to be experienced thieves, know just what to look for. I wouldn't live in the woods, no way. The males in particular get quite large and strong, could easily snatch a baby if one were left unprotected. They have been protected, and the authorities just can't get off their asses to do anything about them.
Man, those fellows look like a nuisance!
Gibraltor has the same type of monkeys up on the "Rock". Hundreds of them, when I was there sitting having my lunch on a picnic table ,a big male jumps up on my table and tries to stare me down, the pressure was on me seeing nearby tourists became the audience. I looked him in the eyes and gave out a big growl ,sending him jumping in the air and landing on a fat tourist eating a sandwich.
The monkey had him by the hair with one hand and grabbed the sandwich with the other.:lol:
Track is such an awesome event!

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The triple jump isn't bad either.:)

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Tonights fun for a buddies birthday. Haven't done this in several years

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