The Official Random Video Thread!

Notice the speedometer and tach on the wall. :lol:

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Redneck GoCart

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A little learnin today.
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Who'd a thunk a silverback being so articulate ... and now the flip-side for your viewing pleasure (Kai's amazing):

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I am not a huge Tupac fan but this is pretty cool, a hologram performance at a recent concert, WARNING FOUL LANGUAGE.
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Apparently, some people don't have enough to do ... clearly, I must be one of them because I did watch this :lol: Nice control, though!

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This was pretty cool and the photography, time lapse and cinematography was awesome. The narration might not be for some folks. His project is pretty cool none the less ...... Full screen recommended.

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Video causing a bit of a ruckus locally. Some motorbike fella driving very dangerously then posting the video about it.
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