The Official Random Video Thread!

No experience at it, so I wonder how you know that those hand holds aren't going to give away and launch you into space?

How do you know that a branch or that TIP is gonna hold you? Guess it's more or less the same

I have no experience at mountain climbing so...just guessing
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MTV Cribs with Les Stroud, AKA Survivorman :)
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its part of the schtick. He goes alone in to his scenario and therefore self records everything, some from tripod mostly handheld though. He does have a hip rig he uses to try to stabilize the deal.
Sorry Paul, I meant the camera work on Cribs. Its all that speeded up funny camera angle stuff, and a lack of attention to detail. Its like they think if they slow down for even a second, they'll loose the attention of the viewers.
no worries Thor, I figured you were hating on the survivor guy. Cribs is typical MTV, 2 second attention span kind of thing, not my forte either but if you watch Cribs you can figure out how diametric his is to most of the celebs. One of the main topics is always whats in the fridge.

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You GOTTA Turn It UP!!!

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Get a haircut!!!

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Looks fun.

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Warning - highly offensive to certain people, Highly amusing though...
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Word is, this is fake.

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And NO WAY would I wait in this line.

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Saw that happen in Scottsdale AZ when they opened a new one up by where I was living. It was friggen whack. I would not eat there until it calmed down and that was a few months. Lines way down Frank Lloyd Wright Blvd and lines of people on foot that parked 1/4 mile away. Fuggen nuts.
And yes.. In-N-Out is a really good burger.
I wish we had an In and Out burger here. Check out this skinny fellow!

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How in the world does someone do that???
I was surprised he ate it so as not to make a mess of it for the most part.
I really love In N Out burgers. I think that young man likes them more than me though. :lol:
Most meal I ever put away was 33oz of prime rib. One 90ct baked potato with sour creme, butter and chives. Salad with blue cheese. Side of veggies and a beer. Took me about 1/2 hour. Then I went and cleaned the kitchen :lol: The restaurant owner told me that if I could eat more than him (and I was shooting for a 28oz cut and boo'd boo'd the cut) I could have it for free. It was a little promotional idea that is obviously not new by any means. We were just trying to get some of the cowboys up here to try and out eat each other to promote the restaurant. I was just setting the bar a little higher :lol: