Text or email only calls


Cali dreamer
Dec 9, 2005
San Francisco, Kali
I get these random job lead emails from time to time. I usually lose them.

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I have done jobs based solely on text or email and had them come out absolutely perfect, no hangups.
Since moving to a larger centre people here text or email lots. Some jobs I haven't even met the person calling , I just do the estimate and job......... they drop the check off in my mailbox .
Love this system.
Texting is the way of the future, but not everyone is ready to hop on board. My dad is a perfect example. Leaves me a voicemail every time he calls and doesn't get me that simply says, "it's dad just letting you know I called". Yup because I wouldn't have recognized the number that's for sure!
Email jobs on occasion. Unless its a simple removal or 10' clearance from building, like for a house being sold, I would rather connect by phone after a few emails.
I do many jobs and never meet the client. That one, looks like a scam to me though.
Squishy, that is a pet peeve, the v mail that says "call me"
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Great input.

Bogus for sure.

The voicemail to text is kinda ok to at least see the gist of a call.
It's about 35% correct.
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Here's another standard.

Some kinda referral service...they wanted me to pay for a background check to be an available vendor....I said yeah no.
I'm happy with either method of correspondence as an initial query but I don't appreciate a string questions spaced over several days via sms/txt.

Does these email read fake?? It had undisclosed-recipients: in the part of the email that shows all the addresses it was sent to

Happy new year!! am Scott Wallace,I have just moved into the area,and i want the tree in my backyard cut down and safely removed in my just acquired 3 bed room house.Also i would like to know if you accept credit card for payment..Reply me if you are available for the work.

NOTE: Response back via email is preferable.

EDIT:it appears this one is a scam theres a thread on AS about similar.
Different strokes I guess, I actively encourage Ex-pats who live up to two hours away to send pictures for quotes. They often don't speak any French so will pay good money for peace of mind.
As long as it smells right I'll do it, I send pictures of finished job, bank transfers on completion. All very 21st century.
Sometimes, the more money someone has, the less time they have. They may not squabble over $20% difference between bids. They may just want the job done right, at the right time (sometimes, ASAP, and won't mind paying for it).

But, if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck...

Texting is more suspect than email, IMO.
Just like Mick I'm happy follow a job all the way through to completion based on emails- often for landlords. The only problem I have with sms/text is that it demands an immediate response to often that which is not a critical query and at annoying times- makes you feel like their butler/PA when responding.
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I've had people shop by text just as fast....text 6 tree guys address and full removal, stump too.

Just did a nice job downtown 4 street trees on folsom by text and a call at the end about invoicing.

Sometimes I wonder if these random texts aren't o$ha bait for sting operations.