Tahune Revisited

  • Thread starter Thread starter Angus
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As part of ongoing work over the Tahune Airwalk, we returned the week before last to do another dead, leaning, rotten, insect infested, horror show that was strategically placed over the Airwalk. Or something like that.

Needed to strap this one significantly more than the last Tahune tree, and quite a number of no-stretch ropes were used to stabilize the the tree, with a dyno on the main rope to monitor increases/decreases in rope tension.

Tahune Revisited Page

Awesome video, Angus! I'm curious, after you tossed those tall splinters on top, why did you mess with cutting that next firewood sized chunk out? How long did it take = total time on spurs?

Great job! :beer:
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There was actually quite a few firewood sections, but after the monotony of the last Tahune I thought I'd leave that bit out. Graeme blocked down until he hit reasonably solid wood, which he could then hinge blocks off (and have enough in the top sections to pull with the lines), the inside of the tree up high was basically mud. We were there for 3 days (half + 1 + half), total time on the spurs was maybe 8-10 hours... hard to say, there was a lot of up and down.
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Yeh it was a national park, so it stays where it falls.
My favorite type of cleanup.
You could get it out through the footpath that ran along side, but it would either be pointlessly tedious, or environmental terrorism.
I really enjoy seeing tree work like that. Makes me realize once again that I am just a puppy.

Some day I would like to come and watch you guys in action. Maybe Gerry Baranek and I could come together to visit.
Long expensive plane trip to get over there...
That was a wonderful video to watch...thanks for posting.

At the 2:46 mark, were you measuring the distance of the trunk from the walkway?

You set the face cut and then the back cut and then exited the tree...what were you using to break the chunks over?

Great sound when the pieces hit.
What type of trees are those? They're friggin' huge! I also can't believe that people allow them to get so dead right next to that fancy walkway.

Man... and those first couple cuts at the top have to be the most unnerving.:\:
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  • #14
Thanks All :)
The stump was left at just below Airwalk height - Tasmania Forestry have the capability from that height to drop a rope over the top and pull he rest over if need be.

All are welcome, just let us known when!

:) we were indeed measuring the tree. Graeme has bit of an ongoing research thing, and this information is correlated with dyno measurements.
Graeme and I traveled down 3 weeks prior to the job, and stabilized the tree leaving the dyno and measuring stick. Tas forestry could then monitor the tree and let us know what was happening.

After exiting the tree, Scott Sharpe had a 6 to 1 running way out yonder, and he would then pull over by hand.

The Tasmanian tree's are unbelievable. The size of even the non-dominate tree's blew me over. The tree was a Eucalyptus obliqua. Around home in Victoria the Eucalyptus obliqua are our dominate species and grow fairly large, but nothing in comparison to the Eucalyptus regnans.
In Tasmania, the Eucalyptus obliqua are also quite dominate, but are MASSIVE, regularly matching many of the E. regnans in size.

The Airwalk was built under the dead tree.
long time dead tree. :roll:

There was nothing really stopping the tree from having an implosion, so the whole thing was pretty intense. We were glad when we saw less mud coming out and we could take some larger chunks out.

Thanks again, I hope I haven't broken some written or unspoken forum rule by replying like this.

cool, I just watched the vid after downloading it this AM, wicked big tree, looks like it was well executed, nice stuff. :)
i love the intro to the vid crraaaash!
awesome avatar also.

guess ill go do my "big" "hairy" removal tommorrow. the butt is smaller than the top of that thing:D
I love how systematic you guys are. I liked how you started the video with a bang, that was some attention getter. I hope someone yelled "headache!"

How far down on the stem did you guys have to chunk before it was solid enough to pull over? What did you guys use to pull the pieces off with?

Angus, next vid give us a close up of what Greame takes with him on his saddle? If possible that is.
Outstanding piece of work by Graeme and his stellar crew...we all know a job like this takes many hands, and exceedingly skilled ones at that. And kudos to you Angus...wonderful videography, editing, and music overlay.

People like me who work the big tree country of the PNW USA maybe, just maybe, can have a smidge more appreciation of what it takes to handle trees of this size...Graeme continues to set the gold standard on a worldwide level.

I am awed...sets me back on my heels...how many men on the planet could do work at this level? Damn few, that I am certain of.
I just showed the video to a kid (are you still a kid if you're 18?) who had just graduated from high school and was buying his first saddle to go to work. Like a lot of us when we first started, he was full of spunk. After he saw that though, he was awfully quiet and thoughtful. I think he saw just how deep the water is he was about to jump into. :lol:
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  • #24
We had to chunk down about 5 to 10 meters until the wood was solid enough to block. To pull the blocks we had about 150-200m (I'm just guessing the length) of spectra running to Scott who was pulling on a 6 to 1 pully system.

I sure can throw a closeup of what Graeme takes with him on his saddle next edit, but I promise it'll be disappointing.
In the meantime I'll post a few closeups... I reckon there would be about three things on him all up. :roll:

Your compliments are very humbling, thankyou.


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