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A friend of mine has and buys all snap-on tools. I think they are overpriced almost twice as much as craftsman. To each is own. Do ya'll think snap-on is worth the price?
I have a mix of brands, Craftsmen, Snap-on, Matco, SK, you pay more but you can get a truck account and make payments, and they come to you once a week,and repair, or replace your broken tools.
See Ya
I grew up in my old man's service station and he was driving a Snap-On truck when I was born.

If you make a living turning wrenches then yes, Snap-On and other quality brands are worth the price. But if you aren't using them on a daily basis and you aren't depending on them in order to earn a livlihood, then it's more a matter of choice. Just like anything else, you are allowed to buy as good as you want to buy if you want to spend the money. I wouldn't tell you whether or not you should buy Snap-On wrenches any more than I would tell you what brand refrigerator or lawnmower to buy.
My buddy has a real nicely appointed snap-on chest for personal use, I dunno if I would do it. Awesome tools though.
I turn wrenches for a living. Had some run ins with sears now I buy mostly Snap on and Mac. Very convienent to have there truck around once a week. Found on some low profile nuts that craftsmen much more prone to stripping than the snap on while tourqing. Just my 02cnts.

when i was wrenching i bought alot of snap-on but have a mix of stuff. i also had a couple irratating experiences with sears and only recently started buying their stuff again. i think snap-on ratchets, screw drivers, gasket scrapers and many specialty tools are worth buying. i have a buddy with a shop so when i need something repaired or replaced i take it to him aand he turns it in. once you quit buying from them they dont like to fix your stuff
Craftsman makes some good tools. They have tried hard to improve their selection.
GearWrench is another Craftsman brand.

For alot of things those tools seem to work o.k. But Snappy makes some tools that just cant be beat.

I just bought another 1/4" drive flex head ratchet. Narrow profile and compared to even S&K or Matco, it beats them both. A pleasure to use. Also I picked up a set of spline drive xx long ratcheting box ends.

Pretty much all the snappy tools are like that. But I do ALOT of wrenching so it makes a big difference to me.
JohnB, if you are regularly tearing into engines, stick with Matco, S&K & Snappy.
If not, then trot down to Sears
All the better brands will fix or replace, no charge (at least to me)
Yup couldn't shove a Craftsman ratech up my backside if you had to!!!!! I don't have a bad word to say about the sockets, but the wrenches leave a lot to be desired as well!!
I got spoiled, I was a heavy equipment mechanic for a while, all I bought was Snap-on and Mac. Either works. and YES, they are worth the money!!!!
I purchased a 3/8ths drive flex head ratchet the day after I bought a new Craftsman ($30 vs. $80) after the Craftsman broke my knuckles twice, and the Snap-on driver walked in just as I threw the Craftsman across the shop!!!!
YES, there is that much difference!!!
It's like buying a 192t and expecting it to work like a 200t, in terms you will understand!!!!
Under what circumstances would a person have to "shove a Craftsman ratech(ratchet) up (your) backside" Andy?
Oh, I have a little bit of every thing,actually a lot.Mac,SnapOn ,Williams,Proto,you name it,even some Craftsman.They all work.I've got specialty stuff by Apex,Acme,tons of it .Now with all that stuff you would think I have just about anything.Why then can't I find a phillips screwdriver when I need one.One of lifes great mysteries.:(
Oh, I have a little bit of every thing,actually a lot.Mac,SnapOn ,Williams,Proto,you name it,even some Craftsman.They all work.I've got specialty stuff by Apex,Acme,tons of it .Now with all that stuff you would think I have just about anything.Why then can't I find a phillips screwdriver when I need one.One of lifes great mysteries.:(
Its with your missing sock.:lol:
That 3/8" flex head is worth every penny... the little 3/8" palm head with a 6" wobbly extension (I don't know the proper names) is also a gem of a setup. My metric sockets and wrenches are Craftsman but everything else is Snap-on.
Well I'm actually more fond of air rachets myself.A little overkill for a saw but works just dandy on a bull dozer.Compressed air,don't have a shop without it.:D
Under what circumstances would a person have to "shove a Craftsman ratech(ratchet) up (your) backside" Andy?

Well if they have any expectations of me using it, they are better off trying to shove it where the sun don't shine!! Yes, I detest them that much!!!
Snap-On ratchets aren't much better. They make two or three good ones out of thirty or so the make.

Here is the only pic of my toolbox I have on the PC here at work. It's a snappy.

