Modzilla Firefox


Island Girl
Mar 22, 2005
Is anyone using this instead of Internet Explorer? My tech guy said this is a safer way to surf the internet.
IE all the way here, that's what Doc tells me to run so I do it. I surf questionable sites ALL the time, no virus for me.
I switched to Firefox a few years ago and I have never gone back. IE is playing catch up to Mozilla's product.
IE all the way here, that's what Doc tells me to run so I do it. I surf questionable sites ALL the time, no virus for me.

I forgot to say anyone using anything else will always have a negative opinion of IE. ;)

I'll still stick with what Doc advises.

I use free AVG, Gigi.
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Brian loaded me with Bitdefender antivirus, it is free for a month. He said it is one of the highest rated out there. Then we added another free one for spyware.
I switched to Firefox a few years ago and I have never gone back. IE is playing catch up to Mozilla's product.

I agree...I have used Mozilla Firefox for years. I changed to it to get away from helped.

The Firefox bookmarks organizer was WAY ahead of IE..probably still is, I don't use IE any-mo.
:? Mac's don't get viruses?

Where have you been? In some backwater idyllic floridian lagoon? :)

No computer is totally immune, but MACs are notorious for being virus free. Also for being much more stable than PCs.

In the maybe 18 years of running MACs, I have NEVER had a virus on my computer. NEVER, EVER.

Yes, I surf the internet, yes, I share files with other computers, and no, I don't run any anti-virus software.

Not to say it cannot happen, but so far the only problem I have had was a broken hard drive, and software which degraded over time (Micro-soft product if I remember correctly). This was on a MAC which was over 5 years old.

The MAC also boots up within 30 seconds, FWIW...
I've been using mozilla for about 2.5 years now. I first used it because it is totally free and not offered up by bill gates. Then I realized how great it is.

I am a big fan of free, legal software. My next computer will not have microsoft word, excel, powerpoint, or outlook. I will use Hopefully this will be on a Mac. I am learning the error of my ways!

I use both. Some video wouldn't run on FF, but when I used IE it played perfectly. I always use FF unless I run into the above situation.
The last time I tried Firefox, it didn't render some links properly. It also was not compatible with my very nice, two wheel, 5 button mouse. Most of the extra mouse functions wouldn't work, it was like I was using a plain old cheap $5 mouse. It wouldn't communicate with my printer either. So I went back to IE.

I ran Norton Internet Security for years, updating every couple years when the new version came out. Then it got too bloated and slowed down my computer too much.

When I got my new computer, I bought AVG Internet Security. About a month ago, AVG insisted that I upgrade to the newest version (popup balloons constantly reminding me to upgrade) but when I upgraded, I wasn't able to access the internet at all. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling 3 times and the problem was their stupid security program. So I deleted it and then downloaded the AVG free version. WOW! Everything got a lot faster and the Windows built in security stuff takes up the slack. Windows even has a built in spam filter for your email that works a lot better than the AVG program I paid for.

In conclusion, I think the AVG free version is all I need (combined with some common sense when surfing). In 10 years of daily surfing with high dollar security programs, they only caught 3 viruses. Two were in emails and one was a corrupt web page. But the free AVG combined with the built in Windows Vista tools (Windows Defender and the email filter) will deal with any similar threat.
Firefox here, too. Screw Bill.

I notice IE now allows tabbed browsing.... something Firefox has been able to do for years.
Nick, I've been using the OpenOffice for a few months now, and I think it rawks.

Haven't checked yet to see if there's a Palm version, but if there is... on my Palm it goes.
Firefox here, too. Screw Bill.

I notice IE now allows tabbed browsing.... something Firefox has been able to do for years.

10-4 on the tabbed browsing...a very useful feature that I use always. Firefox was way ahead of the curve with tabs.
I will regularly have about 10-15 tabs open. I like that you can have firefox setup so that you can close down the window, then next time you startup the computer and firefox it will open up back to the same tabs you had! I leave my top 5 most used sites open all the time.
