Island Girl
The main reason for the thread is, why would the bloom be dropping off so soon? Only reason I can think of is to much water? Leon, have you seen this one before?
Is this the first year it's flowered? If so, I wouldn't worry about it much. Many trees have poor flowering their first season or two.
Gigi, what is the plant in front ? Is it Azalea ? It looks a tiny bit browned-out ? I'm wondering (and please don't take offense !) >>> could Hunter be 'marking' this area ?
Gigi, didn't you receive the 'Extreme de-coder ring'? I thought all Tree Housers got this with the first year of membership
I think he means 'scaffolding branch structure'. Extreme reads alot I think, then paraphrases what he has read.
You bring it on yourself, Robert. I don't understand half of what you say either..
What did I write on this thread that you dont understand?
Maybe you are like vharrioson and dont understand scaffolding?(