Cutting bushel is hard!

Cool post, good luck over there!

Signed with husky and no husky on hand?!?! Wth!

I'd love to hear what you think of the 572 if you use one, it's the best 70cc I've ever used. :dude:
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  • #107
Cool post, good luck over there!

Signed with husky and no husky on hand?!?! Wth!

I'd love to hear what you think of the 572 if you use one, it's the best 70cc I've ever used. :dude:
I have a 572 being shipped here! I can’t wait to run it, my 592 is currently being rebuilt after it got smashed. I have a mentor of mine my other 592 as appreciation for believing in us. Very thankful and thanks for the support as always.
Just got on this thread. I see you got to rub elbows with Ron Grove. I met Ron in 95 when I was 18 and managed to get myself a cuttin job with Columbia, in Leavenworth Washington. I liked him from the get go, and ended up getting to work on Reavis' crew with him and I had the privilege to work with him in Humboldt county from 99-02, busheling for Columbia. Really value my experience there...I was a boy amongst men. Too bad I was so reactive to poison oak. Had a couple of bad wrecks on the job there as well...but, by god I would do it all again...except next time I would try to keep a better attitude. Here's a few pics of my time down there. The one of Ron was right after I got there, in 99, and was double jacking with him. The big tree that I was cutting was not long before I left California.


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  • #109
Woahhh I love this, that’s cool and glad to meet you. Ron is an outstanding guy and I heard Jeff was a stud. I find myself thinking I grew up in the wrong time. I love this shit and thankful for the people before me. I got to cut a two jobs that Columbia flew. Wish they still did it more, my last job out of Scotia was the hardest but best experience of my life.
Lordy, how big is that old stump??

Funny world we live in- right after I watched Matt"s vid, this one popped up....all different ways to love trees!!

Great pic!

How do they get the wood out, skidders?


  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #120
Great pic!

How do they get the wood out, skidders?


Yea they have a sliders and they will pull it to the landing!
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #121
Great pic!

How do they get the wood out, skidders?


hahaha man, I thought I was immune. I thought it was my super power!
That damn poison oak hammered me when I was down there. I look at that shit and get it. It kept me out of a lot of nice wood at times when I was there. Never was around it til I did a tour with Columbia to the swamps of Florida. Took one month to break me down, and overnight, blew up with it...ranks right up there with some of my worst lifetime experience. They sent me back to the west coast and was able to stay out of it for a while....til I cut a helicopter job in Kamiah Idaho, and was in a deep canyon where there was a ton of poison ivy...same poison, different plant. Stayed out of it after that, til I went to humboldt. I've laid awake many nights being miserable because of that shit...
Maybe try some immune therapy for the poison ivy/oak. @cory here swears by eating little bits of it, and I've read that before. There's also OTC mixtures that are supposed to help. Might be worth a shot if you're in it all the time.