Copper Infused Clothing For Health Benefits

For some reason the type of work I do I'd be just a tad bit leery of wearing anything with copper in it .Might as well wear a tin foil hat .:lol:
Since copper oxide is poisonous, I'd be wary of constant skin contact with copper.
Never heard of it before, looks nice.

Copper bracelets were popular once, seen a lot of old timber guys with them and Copper ointment is still around. It was the big new arthritis cure once, I tried some when my wrist was bad, it's still here somewhere didn't seem to help. They did some tests on it, Supposedly concentrations up to 20% do not present a toxic risk. You could probably find different results.

I'll stick with my alkalizing diet and green powders to oxygenate, it's been pretty good.8)
Speaking of anti cancer, I mix a little chaga from birch trees in my green tea every morning. I don't even have to buy it, I find it on birch I work on. The local aboriginals swear by it and they being living off the land here for thousands of years.
Google chaga.
Thanks for your info. on greens/alkaline Steve.

Anyone looking at “cancer”, or any disease and more interested in living well than what they eat for food would want to take a look at a book, The PH Miracle.

First time I have heard of peoples in Canada referred to as aboriginal, Wiki info. on that interesting.

I have a logging friend who wears a copper bracelet and swears by it’s effect on his joint pain. I don’t like stuff on me (jewelry) so wrote that off but, I will be interested to see where this goes as I would wear a piece of clothing if it had positive benefits.