Climbing Gear for Sale


Apr 25, 2008
Lexington, KY
I have multiple things for sale right now. Would really like to sell them as a package deal, but I will split it up if no one is interested in the package deal.

1. A Medium Cougar Saddle. This saddle is in great shape and is a very comfortable saddle once adjusted right. It's only been used about 5 to 6 climbs, and shows very little wear except in the bridge. The bridge is still in great shape, just some minor wear and tear. $185

2. A Mickey Pulley, looks brand new, and only used as a bridge for the Cougar. $25

3. A 34" Grizzly Spliced Ice Tail. Has some wear and tear from about 6 climbs of use. A little darkened in spots, but all normarl stuff for a tail used 6 times. $12

Pics and prices too be posted up in a few, along with contact info and maybe more gear.

Total Price: $222 plus shipping

Contact: Either PM me on here, or drop me an email at [email protected]

Also, a 120ft Fly Rope may be available later on, if anyone is interested. Price yet to be determined.
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I'm in Lexington, KY. Selling because the Cougar didn't work out as a saddle for me, so I'm in need of some cash to purchase a Tree Motion saddle. I'll get some pics up today, sometime after school.

Good Lawd! :O

For that you'd better take out a second mortgage, not sell your gear.
You need hoe's, not a civic :D
ALthough I've always wondered why hoe's seem to b e such an attraction for pimps. Surely hot chicks would be better :?:

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  • #14
Let me know when you're gonna sell the treemotion;)

Sorry,doesn't look like a TM is in my future. Turns out for shipping, it's $150 from the UK to KY. Crazy!!! So I called up Sean and we talked for awhile and I think I'm going with a SRT Sequoia. And for Christmas, a podium seat for it, for those rec climbs and cabling jobs!! Plus, from what I understand, this thing is more comfortable than a couch!!
In my opinion the standard model Seqioua is ALOT more comfortable than the SRT version.

The SRT has some non adjustable webbing on it and it pulls the leg straps up into your junk.
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  • #22
Thanks!! I planned on getting the swivel also, just didn't know whether to go with the small or large. Right now, I climb on two biners on the bridge, so the large would be better I think. When I tried it out on a Sequoia in St. Louis, the large one seemed perfect to me.