Bar oil

I think half of Monsanto's staff must be lawyers. Only a lawyer could think up that kind of twisted stuff in the first place!
You just stated all the reasons we are keeping GMO out of Europe as well as we can.

That unlimited power of big companies is the backside of the ungoverned, free enterprice, land of liberty politics that all our right wing members go all rah-rah about.

Think about that before you join the tea party.
You mean the cross pollination causes the farmer to get GMO seed for "free" so Monsanto sues them to get them to pay for it/buy it?

Cory, I am not sure that that is what is happening. I think it may be that Monsanto wants the(all) farmer(s) to be afraid to do anything but buy their seed.

On the chance that you are not running out to watch those documentaries and if I remember correctly one farmer did not want GMO seed. Monsanto seed pollination crossed over. Monsanto trespassed against his wishes to gather seed samples on his property for a lawsuit. The farmer then spent around $200,000 defending himself from a lawsuit alleging he stole Monsanto seed. The farmer then went on a speaking tour trying to help wake up western society to what is happening. (This is just one example.)

I wasn’t there, I am not going to go there and check for myself, but, if I saw a guy like you or me spending $200K and risking all that he ever built up and speaking in front of audiences about some cause when he could have just paid a one year seed tab - I would be confident of who is lying.
I use orange bottle Stihl oil.

I have mixed emotions about Monsanto. They have done a lot of good but have also done a lot of harm.

One thing is for sure, we couldn't feed who we feed today without the technology and farming practices we use. I did not say feed everyone, as politics keep us from doing that.
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I use orange bottle Stihl oil.

I have mixed emotions about Monsanto. They have done a lot of good but have also done a lot of harm.

One thing is for sure, we couldn't feed who we feed today without the technology and farming practices we use. I did not say feed everyone, as politics keep us from doing that.

I don't want to get into a farming discussion but from what I've read we could certainly feed the world with different farming practices and that our current style of totalitarian agriculture is gonna come to an end if we don't change our efforts. back to bar oil, I suppose whatever we use has some sort of negative environmental impact, except maybe hand sawing. hopefully we will find better alternatives in the near future.
I saw the doco on Monsanto where the poor seed cleaner farmer was getting his ass kicked by Monsanto over soybeans. Cross pollination had contaminated the one farmer who still grew non-GMO soybeans, the seed cleaner was being sued for 'encouraging' farmers not to buy from Monsanto...poor guy had no idea, it was a seriously sad and pathetic story. Guy was in tears, was going to lose his livlihood, equipment, reputation etc.

Bar oil...I buy bulk from the local mower shop, its not bio, I asked because it smelled fairly french-fry-ish one day when the oil got in the gas tank by mistake...I wouldn't mind if it was bio...I had a 5gal drum of Stihl bio once in Bermuda...on a hot day you had to dial down the oil pump because it got thin in the heat.
If I could source a reasonably priced supply of bio I would switch, better for me and better for de trees an flowas :)