Achilles Tendon


It's funny like that Che, when you think it's all better, the tendency is to forget the still important requirements of the problem. Takes time.....
I twisted my bad ankle again today, stepped sideways on a loose brick paver and went down like a sack of potatoes. I was able to walk again after about 5 minutes but it's swollen up again tonight. Been almost 2 months and I just keep re-injuring it no matter how careful I try to be. :(
I twisted my bad ankle again today, stepped sideways on a loose brick paver and went down like a sack of potatoes. I was able to walk again after about 5 minutes but it's swollen up again tonight. Been almost 2 months and I just keep re-injuring it no matter how careful I try to be. :(

Ouch! I've had a severely twisted ankle too, jumped over something while racing to answer the phone and landed on the side. Extreme pain!

Maybe carry a can of that ice spray in your truck, Skwerl, but I don't want to start the discussion again so all the disbelievers can come forth.

You could wear some boots for awhile that lace up higher and afford some support against twisting?
I twisted my bad ankle again today, stepped sideways on a loose brick paver and went down like a sack of potatoes. I was able to walk again after about 5 minutes but it's swollen up again tonight. Been almost 2 months and I just keep re-injuring it no matter how careful I try to be. :(

About 15 years ago I hyperflexed my achilles, (my toes came up and kissed my calf). To this day, if I step on it wrong it is easily aggravated. Although it doesnt give me much trouble anymore, it'll never be 100% again.
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  • #56
I had no pain most of the day, walking straight (not tip toe stretching or turning around quickly) so my gut feeling it is going to heal.

I've also decided that I'm going to throw away my favorite clog boots. They are bad....just bad.

I did a bunch of googling this morning, my next step was going to be taping. There are some good directions and even a you tube video. You tape around your calf, tape around your foot, then run a piece of tape from the bottom of your foot, up your heel to the tape on the back of the calf. Repeat this tape for a double thickness. Then you put another piece on the calf and foot tapes to secure the vertical piece.

I felt better after getting the insert, Brian, you might want to try some....they cushion and stabilize your heel.
I did a bunch of googling this morning, my next step was going to be taping. There are some good directions and even a you tube video. You tape around your calf, tape around your foot, then run a piece of tape from the bottom of your foot, up your heel to the tape on the back of the calf. Repeat this tape for a double thickness. Then you put another piece on the calf and foot tapes to secure the vertical piece.

I felt better after getting the insert, Brian, you might want to try some....they cushion and stabilize your heel.


I don't know if I already posted this or not...I have a guy that trains with me...we do some pretty vigorous stuff at times. He is in very good shape but had managed to strain his achilles tendon while running at the first of year. At first the doc said try RICE, rest, ice, compression, elevation to give it a chance to heal. After a few weeks it was only a little better. The doc finally put him in a cast of some sort (not plaster I don't think) but it did immobilize the tendon so it got some rest. He used it for about 6 weeks, I think..I'd have to check to be sure of the time involved for the different steps.

Long story short...he immobilized it, came back slowly and after about 4 months was back up to full speed. He seems to be 100% now. It sounds like you need good immobilization and then PATIENTLY rehab it....slow and steady.

Be taking some good glucosamine sulfate and MSM to help with the healing process..they assist the collagen process that is part of healing.
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  • #58
Thanks Gary. I would love something like a flexible working cast, if only so I could keep on doing what I need to clumsy as it would be.

I'm going to REALLY try with the RICE. I haven't really done much in the way of 'elevation'....but I'll work on it.

Glucosamine is probably a good idea, I've never taken it.....but everyone I know swears by it. Couldn't hurt.

Glucosamine is probably a good idea, I've never taken it.....but everyone I know swears by it. Couldn't hurt.

Get the sulfate version...not the chondroitin. The sulfate is supposed to have a smaller molecular size that is more easily assimilated.
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  • #61
Thanks Gary....I've been sanding/staining doors this morning. Just three days ago it was really difficult to crouch down to do the fact, I couldn't Much better today, although I've stopped twice to ice. I'll do a Walmart run and see what they have tonight.

Butch, I don't know how you did it. I'm going a bit nuts, it's only been a week, and I'm still mobile....just slow and careful.
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  • #64
How are things progressing Che?

oops, missed that....sorry. Progressing...but no where near as fast as I'd like. Thanks.

I've been doing the normal stretches, not doing the ice as much...not every day anymore. Walking straight on the flat is just fine, really. But if I don't step just right when stepping up (getting up out of a chair, into the car, up onto the door threshold) or any turning, it makes really bad words come out of my mouth. :X

I hate having to be so 'careful'.

I found a set of stretches, along with # of sets etc. that's specific for Achilles Tendonitis Rehabilitation. I'll start them today.
Some injuries, Che, you just have to do time to feel better. I know it's hard when experiencing pain. Glad some progress is happening.
I was talking to a guy today who recently had achilles surgery, and is better now. He seems to have looked into the matter pretty thoroughly, was showing me a vid of the surgery on his computer. He told me that the easiest most sure quickest cure for recovery, is surgery. For a partial tear, at least a cast is the best method, he went on to say. Other treatments offer too much risk in re-injuring, or making the tear worse, if you should strain it, was his comment. Maybe not the best scenario for you, but just thought I'd pass that along. I couldn't remember if you had received a doctor's advice or not.
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  • #68
I go in later in the week for routine 'blood work'. I get to see my long term doctor on these occasions. He's a runner, and has had this kind of injury himself. He is one of those docs who will take your manner of living and beliefs into true consideration. He doesn't push procedures or treatments, but will offer them up and listen to your take on them.

I feel there is positive progression. Very slow, but in the right direction. This last set of exercises may really help also as they are targeting the full range of movement in that tendon. AND....I'm taking Gary's suggested supplements. I'm not sure how to know if they're working or not, but it surely couldn't hurt.

I'm not at all opposed to getting cut on if necessary to heal correctly. I start feeding (up and down on the tractor all morning), and firewood, in a couple months so I need to be working on it. My bicep problem took probably a year....a painful diagnose. BUT....a little snip here and there and it was able to heal completely. And what a cool scar! ;)

Thanks, Jay. :)

Brian, somewhere in the beginning of this thread you mentioned a lingering problem with your ankles. Take a look at the last set of exercises I put up. I can't do the last couple yet, but they are for strengthening and would probably help you.
Thanks Che, I bookmarked it and will read it thoroughly. The ankle has been pretty much in constant pain since the last time I twisted it about 2 weeks ago. I keep thinking that if I don't re-injure it again that the pain will eventually go away.
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  • #71
Thanks Butch. I was a bit ticked off about it, then I thought of you and Jerry dealing with so much worse not that long ago. Told myself to suck it up!

Brian, I hope it helps. Stopping to put my foot up and ice for 10-15 minutes throughout the day really helped. PITA, but it helped.

I know I've posted it before, but I'll do it again. I got this ice bag thing from my PT years ago and it's been used for dozens of aches and pains. It's designed to lay over your neck or shoulder...but I've used it for many things, including wrapping around my ankle to ice. It's always in the freezer ready to go. Worth every penny.

I use something similar and I am glad I have it. You just wrap it and Velcro it.