Some amazing rigging

Man, if I was single i'd be trying to move down there and learn a thing or thirty
They haven't done anything I haven't done, many times over. I love it when a piece just floats away!!!
It's a blessing to have all those rigging points. It's what makes jobs like that possible.

I was nervous of that butt kicking off the cut and hitting Grahme. Went the other way and he probably planned it to do so. Still I would feel more comfortable having a line on that butt making sure it went the way it did.

Excellent work as usual. Got to admire that guy. And Angus is getting better with camera too.
Southern Aus I think. Near Melbourne

Some smoooooooooooth work. It can be mentally harder with high priced targets not technically. Impressive though when the methods employed reduce the probability of damage to such an extent. I enjoyed watching there solution to a common problem albeit on a larger scale than I am used too