Yale Blue Tongue 11.7mm Climbing Rope

Wood Collector

Aug 21, 2014
Hills District NSW
I am thinking of getting the Yale Blue Tongue 11.7mm Climbing Rope but was wondering what peoples views are on the rope as I have not found too many reviews on it. I would be looking at buying 60-65m of it.
Thanks WC
Same rope different color. I'm thinking about it in a longer length than my other ropes. Makes it easy to know the lengths that way
I'm pretty sure that Blue tongue has a nylon core... Would make it a hair more bouncy than the similar BM/PI colors, as they are polyester cores.
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What rope would you suggest if you think that it is a bit too bouncy? I would have thought that a rope with a bit of stretch would be of benefit in a fall. Would the 11mm access line be better?
Personally I like Blue Moon/poison Ivy but like anything a guy/gal needs to try different lines and see what suites their style.