You guys that fight fires, is it entirely clear at what point the danger to yourself is the priority in what you do? I mean is it clear cut depending on what's going on? Fighting the fire in my shop was a real something experience. Some kind of beast all about, sort of like it was laughing at me. I took it very personally, I think how I was able to save the place. I guess if it's your own place that is burning, things might be different. Burned my hands dealing with some on fire blankets, but only realized it after, I think the panic. A corner and part of one wall and the ceiling were on fire when I rushed in there, all I could think was no way. An interesting profession it seemed, being wise within the calamity.
Usually an officer makes the decision on how to procede at a structure fire. Thats not to say he or she cant make the wrong decision, and people often do.
We have a rule that "everybody goes home" and that idea is supposed to help you decided. Basically risk a lot to save a lot....such as a save able life.
Risk a little to save a little....such as a structure that can be saved. Risk nothing to save nothing.......fully involved structure, no chance of save able life. Dig in and keep the fire from spreading to adjacent structures.
In theory that sounds like a good plan, in practice it is up to the individual to decided how much to risk and often times people are hurt or killed in situations that were losers.
Most firemen are killed in abandoned or unoccupied structures.
I have a bit of that in me. I roll up to a structure fire and I am already mad. I have cursed at a fire, just mad as hell and willing to do more than I should to beat it.
As an officer, I have become much less aggressive.
I would say its rarely entirely clear however. There is some risk of death or injury in most of what we do, sometimes you ignore it, sometimes you over react. One person's judgment is not infallable, so you listen to your crew, listen to your command, listen to the inner voice that says "get the F out!"
You have to try to figure out all the things that are going on inside your head. Your neck is telling you its too hot, your lungs are telling you its too hot because every breath is burning from a hot SCBA bottle.
Your brain is telling you its too hot and your eyes are concerned because you cant see anything and putting on a flash light only makes it worse.
Trouble is that your ego says everything is fine!