Weaver Velcro Cushion Wrap Pad to fit Klein spurs


Sep 23, 2010
Well I figured I would splurge and move on from my normal t pads and get some cushy angled pads. Got the weaver ones (see link below) and can't get them on my klein spurs. As of now the only way I see me doing this is to take the grinder to them to make it fit. Anyone have any expience with this set up? Not interesed in modify stuff yet.

Basically the white part of the Kleins will not fit through the black part of the pads. Sorry for my lack of terminology.

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I think I may take a grinder to the sides of my spurs. Hate screwing with new gear
I had a similar problem when I got my Big Buck pads. They came with the blue inserts in them. I tried assembling them and no go. . So I started kinda blowing a head gasket. , hen looked in the box again and the red inserts were in the box. . My ground guy got the blue ones out of the pads and the red ones slid right in. So now I have a spare set of steel inserts for Buckingham's. .not that I plan on getting Buckiham spurs. I'm really happy with my Klien and Bashlin spurs.
A winter project is to make a set of Big Bucks for the Bashlins. They have the ridgid pads at the moment. So I already have the inserts.