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Tree Hugger
Mar 6, 2005
Oxford, Connecticut
Has anyone had a problem with Vole's? I had a couple instances this year where they have been blamed for damage. One was a newly planted Kousa Dogwood, she kept watering and the thing kept wilting. She came home one day and it was tilted, she went to lift it back up and it looked like she just stuck a broom upside down in the ground. There wasn't a root left. Last night I looked at a planting I did, most of the ornamental grasses planted in proximity to the house where in decline. I stuck my hand underneath them and they had no roots. She keeps trying to stick the blame to me, so I had to go there and put it to rest. "Lady, somethings eating your roots"

So anyways, anyone every had a problem, or know a treatment or deterrent?
I never had a problem until Dursban was taken off the market. My yard has been overrun with the damn things for several years now. That's why I built that walkway last month, because I'm tired of tripping through the damn fluffed up ground due to their tunnels. :X
Good call, OTG. There was an article in our Michigan Gardener this past spring on voles / moles that also added to place traps in a main runway to their water source. I guess figuring that one out might be a trick, ey ?
I don't know what to do for a vole .A mole though will vacate if you plant a castor bush .Be real carefull though because a castor bean puts off ricen poison which is deadly :O They look neat though because they get the size of a small tree .

Other than that you have to kill the grubs that live in the lawn because that's what the moles feed on . --or get a mole digging dog or cat .:|: I have none and thus have a lawn full of the damned things .
Yup ... thats a mole ...... ewwwwwwwwwe..LOL
Our gofer and mole problems are solved here... CATS
also... we noticed that the gofers love onions... We planted a lot of onions out side of the garden and they all went there instead, cats had a field day!
Voles leave their hole open like a mini ground squirrel hole (or a prairie dog for you non-westerners) and there will be little runways going all over the place.
I can honestly say I've never seen either, prolly too much concrete in the Bean for 'em;)

I first saw the traps in a catalog while looking for a way to get rid of the skunk that lives under my porch:X

I think I'm gonna live trap it and use to for the greatest prank ever.......stay tuned......:lol:

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Man, I'd love to have $2K to throw away on the Rodenator! That would be too cool! :D

Hard to justify for just my tiny lot, though. :cry:
Man, I'd love to have $2K to throw away on the Rodenator! That would be too cool! :D

Hard to justify for just my tiny lot, though. :cry:

I have one. I ordered one about 10 years ago and by mistsake they sent me 2! I sold one on ebay and I fixed one up. It took a little doin as the thing needs a oxygen tank, propane tank, hoses, wires and a 12V power supply. And PPE, I wore a face shield when I used it. Freakin showers you with dirt and crap when you use it. Also with squirrel holes the shock from the blast is a little unnerving. With gophers it's no big deal as the hole is much smaller and it seals it up. MB I had voles in my alfalfa fields sereral times and we killed them with a poison grain that was flown on by a crop duster.
Some Voles are on the Endangered species list, like the ones in the Firs of SW Orygun.

I spent a summer looking for them.

Funny we had to flag our routes every few so and so's so someone could post audit us to be paid, ha ha.

We flagged the heck out of those woods, then we'd go to Ashland and Skate the park.
and Jackson and the other one too.
HaHaHa ! Believe it or not... I'm still in that work.Been good to me, but I'm enjoying the log construction more, just gotta have a chainsaw in my hand.
Not just to audit your surveys, Deva. Those flag lines are how I find the "suspected" nests the gound surveys identify to do the check climbs.

These are red tree voles, totally different critter than those in y'alls yards. They are totally arboreal, never touch the ground, get their drinking water by licking condensed fog or rainwater off the tree needles. Sole food source is Doug fir needles.

They actually live from western Washington down through western Oregon and into northwestern Cali.
I was doing a nest check climb and saw one sail out, over 80' to the ground. Only one I ever saw, guess it did'nt bother the little guy. Sure went through a few rolls of flagging in that work. We had some honkin trees in the Gold Beach District. 70+ inch DBH fir trees are a challange. And they arent nice climbs like select parent trees usually are!
Look at that, Just mention Oregon and they come out from the woodwork.

You're exactly correct, Burnham.

Russel Great to see you're still around the TH now and again.
Any recent Pole Framing pics?

Those were the days, Hiking for money and just enjoying the day.