The Official Work Pictures Thread

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Well we finished a rather large for us land clearing for a solar farm project. All logs were cut into firewood lengths for the neighbours ( to keep them happy!) happy splitting! They are bringing all the wood over by loader to them!
Went through old time pictures with my uncle tonight. Here's a few I found. This log below got lowered.
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo A3A49171-A118-4910-AA5A-8C33E7DD36B5_zps9tytpouj.jpg"/></a>
Here's an action shot of a log getting lowered.
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo 96AA1DDE-DD18-4870-9578-369CC6578DFE_zps1srvwmcd.jpg"/></a>
Here's just a work pic
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo FC822F3C-3EE2-4DBC-BFCA-5FB2BFF083D9_zpspticd8zv.jpg"/></a>
Went through old time pictures with my uncle tonight. Here's a few I found. This log below got lowered.

Ha, yesterday I was just thinking it is getting time to hear something from about Chris's uncle, its been awhile:).

The last of picture of cutting the monster piece using no "sissy strap' and no hard hat is classic hard core old school, great shot! It invokes the sense of the special, rare breed of people who are capable of, and who make a career doing, that kind of big work.

Ok with all due respect Im calling bs on the first picture being of a lowered piece. Its just too ridiculously f'g large. That looks like a 3000+ lbs piece of tulip, what old timey rope could handle that if indeed your uncle was lunatic enough to try? And the tip looks real dirty, like it free fell and augured in which got it crusted with dirt.


Hey if I'm wrong then….the legend grows.
It was put on a rope Cory. Doesn't matter to me if you believe it. Doesn't mean it was dead stopped and lowered slowly. It came down fast and the tip pounded the ground and the butt layed over gently. He wouldn't have had a picture taken if it wasn't a memory to hang onto. So, call bs. But, stop and consider that it wasn't brought to a stop while it was in motion. A piece that size would blow modern ropes like nothing if you put the brakes on hard. I can lower a freight train on rope, and so can you. How much you can slow it down is the question.
Really, what do I stand to gain by putting a bS picture up. It's not like I'm making claims of doing it myself and being a good climber. How often do I post showboat pictures? I don't.
The more I think about it, look at that divet. Does a free falling log that size leave a divet that size? No. It leaves a bomb crater.
Hey Chris, if you say it was done then I believe you. I wondered if it was so long ago that memory had blurred.

It all good. The Legend Grows.
Surprising the fibre pull on that dead one Squish

It was fresh kill, earlier this spring it still had green on it.

Cool pics Chris! I worked with my own uncle for quite a few years and he was a old school logger turned residential treeworker, one of the first and only around these parts. No outside influence/information to go on so had developed his own techniques. I really enjoy your stories of your uncles treework, always makes me smile.

There's no school like the old school.
Looking at the 3rd, cutting picture again. Does Uncle use any 'modern' gizmos when he's working these days, like a Hitchclimber, tech friction cord, rigging pulleys, non 4 dee saddle, etc? Just wondering. Maybe he has the old school tools and techniques down to a finely tuned science and doesn't feel any need to mess with success.
Yes, he wears modern saddles and modern hooks. Uses a microcender on his lanyard. Uses aluminum carabiners. Climbs on a tautline however but won't use anything aside from 11mm. Regarding that log, he himself said last night while we were looking at pics "how I got away with certain things is a mystery to me. You couldn't pay me enough to pull some of the stunts of my youth when I had something to prove". He himself acknowledged that some of his past stunts weren't acceptable. I myself would question a picture like that if I hadn't spent my entire childhood watching it in person.
"Went through old time pictures with my uncle tonight. Here's a few I found. This log below got lowered."
Love pics like this, especially with some backstory.
Here are some pictures from this week. The first is a pin Oak removal, the other side tore out from the ice storm we had back in February.

Second set are from a White Pine Removal. This tree got hammered in the ice storm as well.

Last couple are from a white Pine removal in a courtyard. All brush had to be drug through the hallway out to the chipper. Couldn't believe we fit the grinder through the doorway either.
