The Official Work Pictures Thread

Not a work pic...while on an outing with the garden club, Monterey cypress being gradually removed by HO


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Gary, nice job with the re-direct pull line!

I did a similar thing recently, except we were trying to pull a tree back up. There was nothing to anchor to in the desired direction, and even the fence was a bit shaky, so we beefed it up temporarily.




Fi, that is an awesome looking pic! Really "cool" shots there Sam, I can't imagine it being that cold right now. I see you switching back and forth between the 540 and the TC, do you have a favorite?
I don't even know what to say about those two saws Ray. . . The 540 fits me a little better, and the 201 just has some ethereal appeal that I can't really pin down. I like them both quite a bit. No real game changing performance difference between the two. . .
hahaha...first comment Butch ever threw MY way was, "NO stubs"...I used to leave them because I was a poor climber. He was (and is) right...NO Stubs!!!

bstewert..."Where's the beef?" Cool bracing on that fence...good trick there.

Fi, that is a mutant tree!!
Some ballsy shots there next to all those ladders and such!

Couple shots mostly for Willie to show him the roll out mats we use. Poured rain yesterday and a big storm blew through. Had to remove this pine top off the house. Drove on the wet grass with crane and you can hardly tell, wish my alturnas were 4'

IMG_0714.jpg IMG_0710.jpg IMG_0715.jpg
Ive never seen any roll-outs like that before either, they work well and are quick to deploy. I take the crane on a lot of driveways I wouldn't otherwise.

Yes the crane is a total game changer, we make way more money and I get to ride my mountain bike in the afternoons as Im not exhausted . Best $65K Ive spent. I tell everybody its my retirement , I retired into the crane:D
I was trying to do a job on mats like that, your idea. We needed to get the excavator on a leach field. Lady wouldn't buy it. Oh well..... the logs are still there :lol: not my logs, not my problem :lol:
deadwooding 2 pondos and black oak pruning as well...I got 3 oaks trimmed with one high pondo TIP...nice big swing into oak and then a redirect up at top of oak... :dance: I know, whats not to like about SRT :D


Bruce (goose) getting out mistletoe
Sweet Paul, I gotta look at that on the big screen when I get home!
Retirement, that's funny, I hate writing reports and have been thinking a crane retirement job sounds better than consulting!
I thought that deadwooding a pondo meant a removal out there.
Paul I love those roll out mats. I might need to get some specs on those if you're willing to share that. I could possibly be "retiring " in a year or so.
Great pics everyone.