The Official Work Pictures Thread

Nice Andrei. Do you even have a summer there?
Couple pics from a white pine spar. I was off yesterday because of family medical stuff and had this to drop this morning. Easy peasy.
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Chain wasn't quite up to par but I made it work.
Here is one I sent to the inspectors boss as labeled in the email "Carl's promises" to let them know we were going above and beyond for them. Our contract on this is 6'-8' for any wood requested by property owners.
Not a big deal but we bid this stuff and then the land agent makes deals without telling us. Then we get a call saying we didn't finish the job.
Makin you one crazy son of a......mother Reg!

I hope you at least wait till the wind calms ole buddy!

Great pics mate.

Lovely blue sky Reg and good shot with the camera.

A little bit of a weight reduction today on a proper fooked ash tree. The tree had Innotus Hispidus, which generally isnt too good on an Ash tree. The tree had been requested to be felled which was declined, then it was requested to be left at a 9 metre monolith due to the presence of bats. I think the tree Officer (part time tree consultant and ecomentalist) wanting a dick swinging contest with the consultants we used. He was a proper cock. In the end he said we could do a 5 metre height reduction and 3 metres for the sides to be brought in.

I honestly wanted to say to him that it was fantastic of him to prescribe what work we had to do without even getting into the tree to assess the level of decay and deadwood.

As I mentioned a proper power hungry cockend!!!


U.K. Rich: That sucks brother... shure made for a cool shot though!!

Jim: Did anyone ever tell you that you are stinkin hilarious?

Max: Did anyone ever tell you that you are a stinkin MAN? :rockon:

Deva: Did anyone ever tell you that you do some hard stinkin work?

Willie: Did anyone ever tell you that you get some cool stinkin shots?

Ohio Rich: HA, HA, ha ha he he he. Of course.

Reg: Crankin out some SHOTS brotha!!! Not to mention the Firs...

Pretty fun little day at the Snoqualmie Falls, workin less than a mile from my house. Crispy Fir (100 foot-ish) and a buncha dead Maples. Man, it's fun when it don't rain too much. :)

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