The Official Work Pictures Thread

Butch: Ahhh yes. Thanks for the reminder. I also rolled a log on a roof over on my foot this winter breaking my little toe for the second time. The first time was dropping a round on it twelve years ago. Bad winter for me.

Jed I think steel toe work boots might be a good idea;)
I hate steel toe boots, yes I know they are a good idea, I just find them way more uncomfortable than say the same boot without a safety toe. I've broken a few toes but never at work.
I've worn steel toe boots all my working life and find their more comfortable and offer more support then non that I wear around home.
I've been digging my Keen over-ankle hikers', and more recently Keen work boots, with the composite safety toe. I haven't liked other steel-toe shoes/ boots I've had.
Well in that case I guess it's better to just break the little toe then all the others.
I never had a broken or cut toe.

As an aside did you know that "steel toes" are often not actually steel and not therefore chainsaw proof, just impact proof plastic.
Afaik only chainsaw boots have chainsaw proof toe caps.
I know powerline linesman can't have steel in their boots for their electrical environment. But then their not worried about cut hazard as they don't use chainsaws.
That way of safety usually carries on over to the line clearance workers who think they need the same boot....until they cut their toes off doing ground work.
we got 2 feet of snow headed at us so this is what we did today.......


Come monday I will have a nice clean field for the new year and will be tired as hell.....
I've worn steel toe boots all my working life and find their more comfortable and offer more support then non that I wear around home.

Well I have a pair of viberg full leather in safety toe and non-safety toe. I find the safety boot uncomfortable, Espescially when say bending the toe if you were taking a knee. Like for felling. The end of the safety toe and the inability to flex in the toe make it uncomfortable imo.
Steel toes for 20 years now image.jpg image.jpg
Spar is all that's left for tomorrow morning. Well that and hauling the firewood logs away. Had a lot of fun with this one. Had a bit of room so we experimented a bit with the rigging. Nothing major. We made a five foot diameter circle on the ground and the room tried to land pieces in it with different rigs. Then they painted a line and I was supposed to land wood flat and parallel to it. Like I said, we had fun.
Squish sounds like you have a pair of poor fitting boots. I think you said once you have an odd foot size.
I would never work without my steel caps.....I seen way to many guys with permanent foot injuries who weren't wearing steel toes..........even cops up here wear steel toe boots:)
You calling me odd footed?:? Lol.

Heh there's obviously reasons it's the law with compo. Just never felt as comfy as a regular toed boot to me.
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Great pics everybody.

Jed. No big deal. 2 years ago I looped my motorcycle and chicken bone wowied my left thumb. Full dislocation and torn ligaments....6 weeks in a soft cast...viola. no biggie.

I have some family in the south eat possum, squirrels, vole, can taste pretty good....