The Official Random Video Thread!

You never know, that child may now graduate at the top of the class.

What's up with the kissing the girls part shit in the rope swing vid?
Why make laws to protect fools? Aren't humans supposed to be the most intelligent species? Letting idiots off themselves will improve the gene pool and positively affect the quality of life on earth.

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Why make laws to protect fools? Aren't humans supposed to be the most intelligent species? Letting idiots off themselves will improve the gene pool and positively affect the quality of life on earth.

If politicians stopped making "laws to protect fools", then all the politicians would be dead. :)
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That's why I'm pro-abortion right there. :X
The "Parenting Fail at the Laundromat" has been removed by YouTube. For those who missed it:

A 'father' put his child in a washing machine and closed the door - the washer started - couldn't get him out for 67 seconds. He later told him the laundromat staff the child was "OK".

I just saw on the national news, the Police are looking for those parents.
Thanks for the update...I did see the video...very bad juju. The man that put him in the washer needs to be put in a cell with a big, white Bubba...maybe a year for each second the child was in the washer.
Washing machine...that's a relief, I thought he put the poor kid in the dryer.

Judging how the man panicked, it is hard to see how the law could go after him for malicious intent. If you can lock someone up for pure stupidity, he deserves the book thrown at him. I kind of think that when he got home, the lady there might have served a heavy sentence as well, she was flipping out, and deservedly so.
Thanks for the update...I did see the video...very bad juju. The man that put him in the washer needs to be put in a cell with a big, white Bubba...maybe a year for each second the child was in the washer.
How about; 67 seconds in a cell with a big aryan brotherhood guy with a few tear drop tats ... that might do it. :D

Because, as Ron White said: "You can't fix stupid." ;)
Well, my comments were mostly rhetoric. But, it's sure going to hurt a lot worse than a thrashing, if they find that guy and family services takes the child away, like they said on the news.

Truth be known, I feel sorry for them all. It's not over for them. And, it's not likely to end well for them, either. It looked like he was just playfully having fun with the kid and things got very quickly out of control. Obviously, because he just didn't know any better. Lord help that kid next time dad does something stupid ... if there is a next time.

As Gary posted; "very bad juju" ... for them all.
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I wonder what this guy's saying. Stig? Any idea?

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Edit> I found out... "He's acting sarcastic towards the government because they have banned the sale of those pipe formed candies in their battle against smoking."
As much as some people have complained about the government fluoridating drinking water in the US, every time I see videos of people from other countries I'm thankful. I can only imagine how rotten my teeth would be if I had grown up without fluoridated water.