The Official Random Video Thread!

That would depend if you understand the way a racers brain works:)
Sports that can kill or main you are silly sports to get into, IMO. We're supposed to live, not die... especially by our own hands.
But they don't think their gonna die, they believe their gonna win. If they thought they were gonna die in a race then there is no way they could be competetive
At 138 mph on my Skidoo and 145 mph on my Buell all,I was thinking was, focus focus focus watch out for that block of ice stone or the assh... That doesn't see this assh... Coming. Once you put it in your mind to compete whether with yourself or against someone else or even a clock Nothing else matters. That is why I have put most of my toys to bed since I have had children.
I dunno, Tim...I'm not at all sure one can make the claim that ,for guys that race in that format, there is a brain working in any sort of fashion in there :).

But that's just me...old and with nothing to prove any more.
This reminds me that everyone dies, but not everyone lives. Some folks want to live life to fullest and push the limits, and if we didn't have people like that we may have never had such things like humans in space. Who knows, some of those isle of man racers might think our profession is nuts. :)
I recall going to a world glass circuit bike race once. I had never seen one before, and I was pretty blown away that anyone could go so fast. When the race was over I went over to the podium, wanting to get a look at such individuals. The first thing that struck me was how pale and completely drained looking the top riders were, and the second thing was that they appeared to have rather intelligent looking faces as well...perhaps having acute faces is a better way to describe. I believe Kevin Schwantz won that race. I have no doubt that it takes smarts to achieve at that level of competition. In the race brochure were some write ups on various riders, I guess the favorites, and I noticed that at least one was coming back from rather severe crash related injuries.
An oldie but goodie!

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Mmmmm, BACON!

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Worth viewing high def full screen :)

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<A href="" target="_new" title="Yosemite Range Of Light Time-Lapse">Video: Yosemite Range Of Light Time-Lapse</A>
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That was good. My 2 year old grandson does the same thing...asks over and over what something is...he is just learning what the words are (blower, weedeater, trailer, lawnmower, ramp were the words yesterday)...he loves the asking and do I. We review the same story/sequence of events repeatedly as he learns how to put language together.

My 79 year old father came into the warehouse at work this week and I had the distinct feeling that he just wanted company and closeness more than having a tangible business reason to be back there (he started the business in 1956).

We need to appreciate that someone cares enough to ask us to be part of their world.

Good find,
Worth viewing high def full screen :)


I couldn't get it to play, either ... so, in case anyone else has the same trouble, here's the YouTube version:

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Great video, Stephen! :)
Thanks, I occasionally get these sent to me from different folks that we have done work for that are connected to the park in one form or the other. Sorry if anyone had troubles. Thanks for the fix Jack.