I went out to my landlord's place to drop off the rent check & stood out in the front of his place chatting with his wife. We stood next to a huge dead Ash tree right next to the house. It's about 36" dbh, 'bout 60' tall. Julie (landlady) said her husband Mark had just purchased a chainsaw especially for this ash tree & was going to cut it down himself. The $350 they were quoted by a local co. to flop it was too much, she said.
The right notch & back cut will see it off in their woodline, albeit smashing a few decent trees.
Julie commented that Mark has taken out a dozen trees or more on their property already. Glancing around the property, I saw a few stumps no bigger than a waste basket & all with slanted cuts (homeowner-style) and tried not to wince.
I let Julie know that I'd be glad to have one o' my tree friends come out & lend Mark a hand with flopping it. There's no wayz the guy would hear of me helping out, so I went 'there' with the whole friend-o-mine thing.
It's a tough call, trying to gently guide people.