Sirius Patrols

Nice pictures there.
I like this

I've had several Karate students that were Sirius vets.
A lot of them join the cops after they get back to civilization.

They have all been very much alike. Extremely soft spoken, VERY self confident and unable to keep their hands off my dogs:)

Going around Green land on a dogsled, just two guys is not easy.

One student told me that he and his partner had been getting seriously on each others nerves.
Knowing that they were utterly dependant on each other, they had decided on a vow of silence for the rest of their tour.
They only spoke of what was needed to get things done, and kept silent for the rest of the time.

Like I said, those are our most respected vets.

And yes, Stephen, The screening is HARD! Since those are the only real heroes we have, there are a lot of applicants to sort through.

Danes have never really taken to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, so the vets from there are not really celebrated.

Maybe because our former prime minister, now chief of NATO slipped the decision to join the wars through congress ( we c don't call it that, but it makes for an easy translation) with the slimmest marginal of yes votes, legally possible.
He was a great admirer of G.W. Bush and wanted to join in, to show his support for his American "friend".
Did you see that film about Danish troops in Afghanistan Stig? Those were some hardcore infantry, but I pitied them having to be there.
Great photos love the ones of the dogs, thanks for posting. it seems like those harsh arctic environments have a way of changing people. A close neighbor just returned from a year at the south pole. Pretty wife, i was hacking his weeds while he was away.....just the weeds just the weeds. :D Before he went away, his place always looked kind of disorganized with stuff laying around. Now, it is always clean and orderly with things covered. He works as a mountain guide here, I heard that he was dealing with refuse at one of the research stations at the pole. He brought me some very pure salt.