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I haven't had a cigarette in a week and today I thought about chewing Sassafras roots to cure the urge to smoke I still get. I googled sassafras and found that it can cause liver damage and was banded as an ingredient from root beer in 1979 by the FDA. I quess everything is bad for us these days who really knows
I quit tobacco 2 yrs ago.......and still dream about it now. Either way you slice it, it aint easy. Can't help you on the sassafras thing though.
The physical addiction can be interrupted in 3-5 days. After that, it's the mental obsession that can take you back. That can last 3 weeks or more. When I quit I carried around a bag of Jolly Rancher hard candies so I had something to put in my mouth to fight the cravings. After about 3 weeks I didn't need the candy any more, although I still had the occassional dreams and cravings.

It doesn't really matter what you use as a substitute but it sure helps having something. Best of luck to you. :)
I quit cold turkey a few (like 10) years ago. woke up one morning and said to myself "f@#$ it, I aint smoking no more" bought a pack of nicotine gum. ate like 4 pieces, threw the pack out. Havent had a smoke since. I had dreams for years that I would take a drag and wake up pissed off at myself or angry. Havent had one of those dreams in a few years now. Still I get a kick out of some walk by second hand smoke smell... I think that might stay for a long long time.
But I wont smoke another cigarette, not in this lifetime.
i started dipping to stop smoking so now i cant stop dipping.........
You should try harder.

my uncle smoked a pipe since he was in his 20's, he is now about 64, my parents are flying back to Holland in the beginning of September cuz my uncle was told he would die within 6 months due to his esophogeal cancer. :(
I have had maybe 10 cigars since I quit cigs. the morning after I woke up after the last cigar, I told myself I werent having them anymore either. stinky clothes, horrible breathe, weird raspy feel at the back of my throat. and that was from a good cuban stogie, imagine if I had smoked one of the dominican or other cigars! :P
I've not smoked save for taking a drag a couple times as a curious kid. My Dad was never sick, but smoked his whole life. He died at 90, still a tough old coot. Therefore, I'll not be surprised if I live another 50 years.....

Sasasfras are cool trees. I have a customer who has a clump....which are slowly dying. I removed the largest one a few years ago...beautful orangish wood and bark.
"Quiting smoking is easy. I've done it a thousand times."

That's a M. Twain quote. But to really quit can be tough. I remember begging my ex to light up because she was so miserable. When ever she tried to quit it was horrible to be around her.
Must be some old pics of MB in the rotator, I see a smoke hanging out of his mouth in several pics.
Yea, they're old pics. No tobacco used here since around the time John Lambert had his 'lil heart attack/ I got banned from AS.
Sassafras are cool trees, but they sure don't get very big in these parts, just leggy & spindly. Didn't know the root bark is toxic ? >>> Gonna have to check that link out. I love the smell & taste of sassafras.
Some folks quit smoking and they really put on the weight? Why's that?
A good guy that I sometimes do tree work with, smokes. He wants to quit, but never succeeds at it. I give him a little rub about it once-in-awhile, but I figure that it's his business. I'd hate to see him get sick though, among other things, his wife is blind and really needs him. Is it helpful to get on people's cases about their habit? Guess it depends on the relationship.
The physical addiction can be interrupted in 3-5 days. After that, it's the mental obsession that can take you back. That can last 3 weeks or more. When I quit I carried around a bag of Jolly Rancher hard candies so I had something to put in my mouth to fight the cravings. After about 3 weeks I didn't need the candy any more, although I still had the occassional dreams and cravings.

It doesn't really matter what you use as a substitute but it sure helps having something. Best of luck to you. :)

This is spot on and exactly how I quit! Jolly Ranchers and good reefer kept me tobbacco free for the first few weeks. Then I laid off the hard candy and switched to smot poking full time. Gotta watch that candy dude,, that stuff is dangerous to your health....
Nobody can make anyone quit smoking. They have to want it for themself.

I agree. I also vowed I would never be one of those militant "you should stop smoking" types. I always hated that when I was a smoker and sometimes I wouldlight up just to pizz those folks off. Talk about biting your nose to spite your face! ha!
I never smoked tobaccy but for trying a couple puffs around 10 years old. My wife quit about seven years ago, thank god for that.