Quick Cure , Marinade and Slow Cool


Feb 12, 2016
Process i favor for pork, some beef, partially chicken.
Sanitation says to keep everything out of between 40-140 as increasingly active (to about 115 or so) bacteria that can affect our bodies most, as do well in most parallel environment/temp. But i remember trays of pork especially covered by butcher paper at room temp. in some of best bbq memories as kid. The meat was broken up and flavored by more fat in those days as other variable. i also remember Grandma very purposefully cooking in broaster on back porch, turning off, covering device with towels and let sit. Years later i see tv bbq contests where they take stuff from grill and put in $400 cooler to slow cool, to absorb most of juices etc. Naturally.
i turn air fryer to 160, seems to only go towards 140 in box. Especially pork, sometimes beef, not really chicken:
i try to put in danger range about 110 internal meat temp. for about 2hrs. to purposefully break rules and get microbes active, just long enough to work, but not putrify. Microbes start breaking down meat, like long cure. Especially pork gets more towards ham softness and coloration, some bloat from internal activity , giving softening like finer steak noted .
Then Jaccard against grain to pierce and break fiber strands to soften(pork,chix,beef). Jaccard gives list of surgical thin, non round slices that are said to allow marinade and then swell shut better than less surgical knife cuts and definitively better seal than round fork holes. Fork can also push grain aside, this blade more likely to come thru grain. Originally used in Chicken and Country Fried Steak type stuff i think.

Then marinade in KC Masterpiece Honey Teriaki (especially good on pork, chix), especially for more carmelizing over the fire. and let sit in bag, squishing around every so often. But immediately start fire. i start with paper only, in a chimney, good hard wood(long hot burn) charcoal. Salt in marinade alters meat fibers after pulling flavor. The salt modifies proteins, un ravels some and they pull from each other some, like in filet etc.
Prefer dry to grill tho, over hot, charring fire. Go for 'maillard effect' of brown/char meat for best savory complicated flavor chains building on each other, but mostly just char for this effect and move to cooler part of grill, to simmer/smoke but not all the way. On it's way to done as a thermal velocity, pull, put in ceramic storage and cover with glass or ceramic, then towel over like Grandma, then put in microwave, but don't turn on, just more insulation to target for hour or so.
Larger shoulder pork, may inject with apple juice concentrate, garlic, pork etc. base (teriyaki too thick especially spices to thick to fit thru needle), bacon grease for lube and flavor. Bacon grease dribble also fair non-chem charcoal starter help. i still do the other stuff too, but attack inside with needle on larger. Try not to let squirt out of meat form other place, cover with saran in case does for sanitation.
i'm big on bleach in dish water, and 30water:1bleach spray bottle for spray and let evaporate from surfaces/not wipe. i have mid point in cooking meat where switch away from raw meat utensils, to others. i have long and short tongs to make sure i keep straight. Commonly all raw handling bowls etc. removed from grill area, wipe and spray bleach water mix on bench around grill. i bought small bake pane with holes in it at $1 Tree, put on side, bent into grill, to 1/3 circle, coal stays in this hot box, stacks closer to meat, preserves cooler regions of grill for when not hitting direct with fire phases.
W/o chemical nor heat sanitation of camp etc.; look to strip to storage and handling utensils to impermeable surface as clean to no food source for nasties, then air dry for sanitation of no water that all life needs, so nasties have no food, water, hiding places; but no drying by towel etc. Never allow cross-contamination / inoculation of active protein nasties amongst pork/chix/beef/seaf. UNLESS just on table and immed. cook before nasties can proliferate and putrefy in fun of new, unchecked fertile ennviro.
When slicing, do so against the grain as last tenderizing move on chess board.
Can do in half day, and think gives real pork/beef flavor especially, tender and good!
>>next day left over test passes ; after smoke clears from air and can really define taste etc.!
Used to be more fat allowed in especially pork.
When was teen, some fancies came around and convinced some farmers to try about no fat hog, saying would get better price /yield.
>>time of trails of tears from proud men facing losing properties owned by family for 5-6 generations, and a proud lifestyle carrying for critters even 4am Christmas morn(thats when you really know this is a lifestyle, not a job!) to bankers..
>>flopped in end, much money lost by small farmers to fancy salesman, for pork w/o flavor..
She doesn't like too much smoke flavor, but can still see red ring outer, from process.
>>we do go with can have juicy pork, some pink occasional, not olds-cool over cook to kill trichinosis.
>>but any smoke ring outer should be more definitively colored than center in pork i think.
They say, not to trust a skinny cook. But for many of us, we are kinda picky eaters, that just won't eat just anything..
Is Chiavetta’s just a Western NY thing or do you guys all eat this stuff?
Best chicken I’ve ever had, no question. Can order it on Amazon.
The company makes an Italian salad dressing too, very good stuff.
Chiavettas rocks no doubt ... for a change of pace gotta get some sweet baby rays’ C86A8045-A2F4-463F-9379-9BE5B70027FD.jpg
Oh hell yah! For a Canadian. I can make some damn tasty BBQ!

I'm way less foodsafe then Kenny though. I've smoked for many people now though and never killed or even injured a one.

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Would Butch sound too gay if i said for him "you have some fine looking meat there sir"?
i mean it does look like someone really took their time, making love to all that meat.
We just cook small any more; and quicker (and cheaper).
These are just some alternatives have linked together to minimize wait and try to get closer to what you got.
Try to soften to like better quality thru biology, then mechanical, then marinade , then 2phase cook for best of both worlds:of dry phase/browning and holding off to side, just long enough to let sit covered and finish on own in moist phase/slower cool down and coax into sliding into home plate on it's own, slice across grain orchestration of strategies playing with; each fair on it's own. The quick-cure of controlled microbe growth (which is what curing is) the most counter-intuitive to show. Can always cook up just a bit more, but no so much less; been awhile since had to tho.
In Beef , filet is king tender. but seems king is pomp-assedly above beefy taste somewhat. If can get cheaper cut to be more filet like, keep beef flavor
>>works fair enough, but process really shines in pork more i think.
Sweet Baby Ray's great sauce, coverup for many errs (my friend several times) as can be very over-powering to always good. i like onside, but sometimes burn i mean caramelize on.