I'd like to start off by saying yes, this is the best way to stand up for trees. Besides our ethical treatment (not spiking trims) this is the single most beneficial thing we can do as arborist, stand up.
I borrow the county extension laptop, burn a photo cd here at the house and do a slide show. I've given 4 slide shows and thus far they have been following Dr. Ed Gilmans guide to pruning and pruning schedule (5 years). I start off useing his guideline verbatim. Then,I show them photos of the oldest living things on earth and local native species as well. I get great response, help educate and dispel myths and clear up outdated practices .. I do not get alot of work from this but the people I help I help repeatedly.
Sharon Lily emailed me some time back replying to my request for a slide show from the ISA. I was a little startled that such a prolific author would even write to me. I know it was alot to ask and the more than was possible from them, not only zone differences but species defferences as well and no one sideshow cd marketed by the ISA would be sufficient. Its been a year I doubt they sell the slide show yet. The ISA has a area where you can list yourself as speaking so that industry professions will know and besides you get 1 CEU for every one you give, what a deal.