Remember the days of the internet when it first started? Wide open, wild wild west. Domain names were a dime a dozen. A person could have made millions just by capitalizing on a few trick names. What is Ebay? Yahoo was the king of the hill. Oh, so slow, but few hackers abound then. What's a hacker anyway. Cookies were,,, well some odd thing just getting off the ground people talked about.
NO pop-ups, worms and viruses killing your Win 3.x 30 mhz power station fully loaded with 4 megs of ram. Win 95 was the wave of the future. Intel Pentium processors were boasting 166 mhz. 100 MB hard drives and 16 megs of ram. A CD burner wasn't thrown in. They were an extra $1000 in 95. A real powerstation equiped like that was going for $3000 plus. Gateway 2000 was the Caddilac, baby.
Internet shopping was just beoming a reality. The most sofisticated web sites were one, two pages and non interactive. You still had to mail in your order after viewing the product list. No sales tax and a lot of free shipping. And what's this idenity thief thing I was hearing about?
Porn? You really had to get down and do some serious searching to find a porn site in 95. Their pages too were totally non-interactive. (I just wanted to see what was out there.) And forget downloading video. That was like Flash Gordon futuristic stuff people only talked about,,,someday.
Look at what the internet is today. It's evoled so fast. The search engins are rocket ships at finding anything you want. In fact it's come to the point of information overload. Cookies are big business and the goverments way to track your surfing habits and keystrokes. Spam, worms, viruses, pop-ups, hackers, idenity thief abound. Malicious advertising and porn is finding its way into every computer out there, wether you want it or not. That's kids stuff. Internet spying is what's hot.
And today the world goverments have a lot of not-so-secret programs currently going on that are designed soley to crash the opponets internet capabilities. At the push of a button. China being one of the most open about it.
"Remeber it when" will be a common phrase in ten years when only the govement and big business have full internet privilege that we're so used to today. The common user in the future will have their access and information totally filtered and piped in and out.
Of course, that's up to anybodys guess as to were it's really going.