land a cutip and I can get my ears clean, thanks much.
Of course you know you're NOT supposed to do that, right? The MOST you're supposed to do is dump hydrogen p or alcohol in your ears. I've never "cleaned out my ears" in my entire life. I don't even own any Q-Tips. If the blasting showerhead can't get it then it don't get done.
Thats always made me wonder about the ear plugs for hearing protection...
Funny thing about hearing is you don't know when you're loosing it.
Actually, ear plugs DO hurt your ears. Just like Q-Tips, they push debris/wax farther back into the ear canal. You gotta be real careful.
-----------------------------------It kinda reminds me of Ear Candling.
Ear Candling ya say,
Ear Candling is when they stick a candle in your ear and it sucks all the crap out of your ear cavity!
If thats true, would it not work the same on someone who is constipated? Just need to change the location of the candle & light that baby up!!!