Administrator Emeritus
Anybody else shop there?

Even though I hate Walmart with a passion, I will admit to having a Sam's membership and using it frequently.
Yeah, that's the theory. But you gotta watch them cause they are trying to stick it to you.
I joined yesterday, just for the cheaper diesel fuel. Although I may end up going through the store at some point.
How do you rationalize your different emotions? They are the same companies, aren't they? Just operating differently?
Don't they both have the same moronic employees?
BUT....if I had one near, I may shop one just to cut down on the ridiculous amount of packaging in single packed items. That's always irritated me. What a waste.
Co-ops used to be good places for buying bulk. You'd bring a jar or container in and simply refill it and pay for the product only. Dr. Bronner's Peppermint soap, good stuff.....they'd have it in gallon (5 gallon?) jugs to refill from. Some places may still do that, but most I've seen have gone main stream.