Hunting buddies who share


Jul 1, 2008
southern Vermont
... being the "un armed hunter" if a wlid Turkey or Ruffed Grouse bouces off that tinted section of the Trucks windshield... my bird... other than that my friends who have good seasons will share. Have eaten several species of Ducks, this year tried Snow Goose and tonitgt had Canada Goose! Friggin delicous... almost posted in the kitchen thread but this is about game. Have helped gut Deer and even helped break down a Moose though I didn't try either... yet
You will love Moose meat... but if you can ever get your hands on any elk meat... you'll never wanna eat any other meat. Ever...

Elk is the meat of the gods... :)

I find Elk to be a dry meat, but I have only had it in sausages that a Portuguese friend of mine makes. He has great hunting, fishing, and cooking skills. He usually mixes his Elk meat with pork for sausages, to make it less dry. I agree with Gary, it is excellent. With eggs in the morning is about the best breakfast I can think of.