helmet cam suggestions...

Hamedori...? I googled it, but all I found was something about sex acts!

Scott, I still have a hard time with the lens angle on the helmet. It seems too low for some things but right for others. I noticed that your helmet doesn't have a face protector. That is another problem, interfering with the lens.
Greg, can you wear it for your tough mudder deal ? I am thinking it will either be too cumbersome or fragile ;-)
Would likely be a bugger to keep the lens clean and still compete. So really, you don't wanna be this guy? lol
I borrowed a GoPro for a nice big tree job, smacked it a few times getting under branches as it was mounted on my hard hat, but the picture quality and view is fantastic.
I think that watching someone elses chest view video of a Tough Mudder contest is about as appropriate as watching a slide show of the inlaws trip to Paris. Useless you have been there, done that and participated.