Handsaw Opinions Please


Jul 1, 2008
southern Vermont
... I run Old School Fanno, though sharpenable I have never done it, usually eventually the laminate handle goes. Instead of mindlessly ordering another soon I wonder about all those new fancy Japanese mostly in the catalogs ... are any of you gone to them ? .. I also run Marvins on the pole equipmen wonder about the newer blades. I generally despise anything w / the little hook thing on the tip... A new maybe smaller climb saw and scabbard is maybe a thing
Silky Rocks and the Samurai does not disappoint as well. Rob and Kat love their Samurai saws. I use them from time to time as well. I prefer the Sugois for my climbing.
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Thanks for feedback ... I hang my scabbard strictly off the left side of my rig ... it looks like the curved saw scabbards are for right side hang ... although it looks like the straights could hang on either side ... any lefties. Care to answer?
I use a weaver leather scabbard for my zubat and felco's...I have it on my left side, curve facing forward, even though I am right handed...well ambidextrous with a handsaw, so left side is fine and reduces the clutter...lanyard attachment is on the right along with the 200 high clip.
The hooked handle on the Sugoi can be trouble with a leg carry. I have had my climbing line whip the saw out of the scabbard (when it was on my leg) and it fell 40'...luckily no one below.

I quit the leg carry after that.
I tried a bit of telephone cord (the coiled type) on my zubat...zip tied to the scabbard with plenty of length...I saw the competition climbers doing it, apparently you lose points if you drop your saw...well it was a disaster, kept getting tangled, caught in stuff, me, the tree, it lasted about an hr then I had enough and cut it off.
A snug scabbard is good enough
I glued a little piece of wood inside a Silky scabbard at the opening, and it made for a better fit, no rattling around. In the land of Silky....
Zubat or tsurugi here. If you do a lot of pruning the tsurugi is sweet. I don't notice much of a difference (if any) from the zubat.

The tsurugi has the best scabbard out there too. The saw actually locks in. It's worth a look.
Zubat Ibuki Gomatro are my three. Zubat for day to day pruning, Ibuki for removals out of the bucket, Gomatro for my apple trees. I still use my Fanno's for the dirty work roots and such.
This thread is like walking down the aisle at my home center, except for the smell of agricultural chemicals.
Zubat.......cuts like a razor. I have the stitching scar up my thumb to prove it. Even sliced the thumbnail in half like a hot knife through butter.
I am a leftie and never had any problems with my silky, great saw.
Just started using a Zubat today. Have wanted to try one for months, thought it felt good in the showroom. Oops, feels petite in my leather gloved hand. I wear lg to xlg depending on the glove. Also reach is a little short compared to a folding Corona I always have had on my harness. Nice saw, guess I will give the Ibuki a little more time in the tree. Used it on a couple of take downs and remember thinking Jerry B. is a better man than me. I will try it finishing out the trimming of an Oak and doing some smaller cuts than on the take downs.

Any luck with any of the cut resistant gloves and hand saws? Zubat opened leather right up.
big sugoi here, no hook and a scabbard that hangs left or right handed. i like that it has a large blade like the ibuki, but is quite a bit lighter.