Google Glass


May 4, 2007
Set up a new backdrop, stand and softboxes today when family came over for Christmas. Our oldest son was decked out in his Kilt and Google Glass .... a wearable computer with an optical head-mounted display (OHMD) that is being developed by Google


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so that is his computer monitor? add a blue tooth and a bionic arm and we got ourselves a cyborg! haha
I saw a vid of it being used by a nurse pulling out supplies from a stock room at a hospital. The computer told her when she found what she was looking for from a long list when she scanned the shelves with her eye and a point on the monitor configured the item somehow. Both hands were kept free to pull out the items and drop them in her cart. It looked quite handy as an aid to much speeding up the process.
I read a lot of SF paperbacks as a kid. One of my favorites was a scientist who launched his brain into space when he died. An advanced alien race found his space coffin, revived his brain, put it in a robot and BAM! He was good to go and went off on various adventures as a human brain powered robot. I loved it!
We did a job for the guys that made up these glasses, some pretty impressive equipment they use, 3D printers and stuff.
My iPhone gives me a heAdache. I cant imagine that thing not causing serious long term problems