Forum Tip 101


Administrator Emeritus
Mar 6, 2005
The "who's online" page refreshes every ten seconds. Now that we have the 'Unread Posts' mod back that's one way to follow the latest posting.

Just a heads up. :drink:
I believe the vBulletin default rate on the refresh is 1 minute. About a year ago you changed the setting here to every 20 seconds, Which I thought was about right (even every 30 seconds is more than plenty). But I'm finding the 10 second refresh rate rather distracting, and so I'm not leaving my browser on the 'who's online' page any more except for a quick look.
Like in a NASA mission control! Sweet. He's not messin' around.
I just checked the 'who's online' page...I's too fast I didn't even make it to the end of the list and it 'refreshed'.....could be that I'm reading SLOW though...................
its a Bot (aka internet thingy) sent out by Google to scour webpages for key words and such, so when you/we/I search for something Google has a knowledge base to filter down to.
Butch, the first page I got from your link just had other forums talking about what it must be. Not a definitive definition. But now I have the general idea, thanks
Another tip- for those trying to post pics found on other places on the internet.

When using Firefox, right click on the pic you want to share, click "copy image location" then come to the house, type your post, and where you want your picture, click this button:
and hit ctrl-V to paste a link into the box.

When you post your reply, the image should show up.

OK, Nick, trying your method...I have tried this without it working before...but did not know about the button you mention:


Looks like it works....thanks mucho!!!
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  • #19
Butch, the first page I got from your link just had other forums talking about what it must be. Not a definitive definition. But now I have the general idea, thanks

If you click the link google prompts you to click, you'll be enlightened beyond belief.
Butch, Google does not direct me to any particular answer when I click your link. And the first result isn't even in English. But like Frans said, there's lots of general discussion about the adsense spiders although nothing directly from Google.
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  • #23
My entire point is nobody should ask "what is a ...." w/o first googling or Wikipedia-ing it. It's common courtesy, and everyone knows what a polite bastard I am.