First time on the gaffs.

How did chainsaw oilers get in a thread about climbing on spikes?

It was you and your 090 in them thare posters what done it Mr. B!

Got me tu hankerin fur an oilin button that aint thare no more somethin fierce!

Makes me think of my old Super whiz 88 homelites. Great saw if you pumped that oiler but one day it ate the flannel shirt right of my body when it sucked it into the starter crank.

My 90 doesn't need much pumping and my 88 will carry oil to the bar end of my 6 footer (bar itself is a little shorter than 6 foot) but I don't use that big of a bar much. Most trees that comedown of that size are hollow around here. Easier to go both ways with a smaller bar.

End of my off topic...sorry.