

Administrator Emeritus
Mar 6, 2005
I loves me some Ruffles chips and Green Onion Dip. It's a rare treat I give myself. I was crunching the numbers, and I decided to pass.

Nearly 300 grams of fat in a pig-out (whole bag and large dip).

Wow. I've done that a million times in my life.

Wow... :(

I wonder what the Super Sonic Cheeseburger (hickory) and onion rings I just ate did to me!!!!!:\:
One of my downfalls (besides ice cream) is cashews. The local Advance Auto Parts store, of all places, sells 1 lb containers of cashews and they are better and cheaper than the grocery store. I can eat a pound of cashews in about a day.
portion control dudes...

we have switched to lays low salt chips, saves a bit of the nastyness.
I'm an eating machine myself. I'm a big boy and do the gym thing, and I carry some extra weight in my pursuit of being huge. But for all the work I do in the gym, if I let myself go, a big gut will overshadow any musculature I have anywhere else. That's what I think about when my truck wants to pull into Wendy's for a triple with cheese!

But I hear ya on that Butch. You're not a fat ass are ya? If you can do it once in a while and get away with it, go for it.
trust me, I eat my fair share of bad for me food. but I try to temper it with ther meals that have healthier components.
mission tortilla chips for me. some time plain sometime with guac or fresh salsa
Ha I'm having a family smokey roast in the backyard today, lots of fattening foods will be served.:D
Anytime this afternoon, no need for byob in this family. Most don't drink and the few that do never have more than 1 or 2. I'm basically a one man party at our family gatherings.:lol:

I am what I yam.:D
too bad junior isnt really ready for the 5 hour jaunt, I mighta had to come look for the plume of grill smoke!

on that note, I pruned a big cherry Friday, kept about 15, 4 foot long, 3 or so inch thick branches, I give them to the pops in law to use for his smoker. They smoke sausage, fish and other stuff in the summer and he likes the fruit wood for flavour. Anyone ever use a few chips in the grill for smokey flavour? I have been meaning to try it but the closest I have gotten so far is to throw a big handful of Bay leaves in with the meat during the cooking process, seems to add a bit of flavour.

oh, junior is waking, lemme go grab him before he wakes mamma!
edit: mamma was already by the side of teh cradle, apparently the young man is gassey :(
I would stay away from the Wendy's, Carl's Jr., McDonalds, etc. You really dont know where that meat comes from or what has been done to it.
Of all the food available in our country, those places serve the lowest quality possible.
I guarantee that their is no way in hell you would even consider eating that meat if you saw the sick emaciated shit covered cow before it was slaughtered and what happens to it during packing, shipping, handling etc.

Not only that, but in one hamburger there could be 30 different cows from several different countries all mixed into one patty. Along with the 'other' ingredients.

The meat industry is one that has many dark secrets which if were truly known, would be shut down.
I guess a few more of our children have to die before this happens...and hey, they only cost about a buck right?
Ugghh, you make a convincing argument Frans. We get most of our meat local, and I mean right down to the farm but our provincial government, probably through pressure from big business, is making it increasingly hard on the local producer in regards to slaughtering. We're lucky to still have lots of locally available organic beef and chicken for now.
Eat locally produced food as much as possible.

I would rather eat fresh road kill, than eat the slop from those fast food places. AND I am serious about that.

I remember hitching rides through Oregon years ago and ate a dinner at a local Salvation Army. They were serving stew which was road kill. Not bad venison stew really.
Some people can metabolize fat and some cannot.You just have to live with whatever genes were past on to you.
I have a very low cholesteral count,nothing I did just what I inherited.That said I have the typical body of a meat eater,low body fat,long lean muscle mass.

High carb eaters get the typical chubiness around the belly ,butt etc .Too many noodles,pizza etc .Those with that type body have short muscles and if they pump iron they get real bulky real fast .Like 18" arms etc .Unfortunately if they stop training for any length of time all that muscle gets turned to fat .

Now,take the native Alaskans,the Inuits and others.They ate whale blubber but lived to a ripe old age .A greasey old double cheeseburgar would only be pale by comparrison .
Ha I'm having a family smokey roast in the backyard today, lots of fattening foods will be served.:D

We just had another foot of snow yesterday and it is going to be 14 tonight. Nothing doing in our backyard for a while, except cutting and splitting wood.:what:
I was gobbling down a bag of Salsa Verde doritos at the computer Friday after work and I looked up and saw I had a private message. Thought to myself, probably from Che and I'll have to go weigh myself. Stopped me in my tracks.
I was gobbling down a bag of Salsa Verde doritos at the computer Friday after work and I looked up and saw I had a private message. Thought to myself, probably from Che and I'll have to go weigh myself. Stopped me in my tracks.

:) Big Brother (or sister) is watching you!!! :)